Tim Newton and Rachel Slater Found on Ben Nevis

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In reply to SteveJC94:

How awful. Condolences to the families and friends.
 crimbo 24 Mar 2016
In reply to SteveJC94:
Oh no.Ive just returned from a week in and around Glencoe and the area , and the missing were often at the back of my mind. Rest in peace, and deepest condolences to the families of those involved. My, and many others thoughts are with you and yours at this terrible time
 nutme 24 Mar 2016
Any information about that happened?
 pog100 24 Mar 2016
In reply to nutme:

Just be patient and show some sensitivity please. I'm sure details will be released soon enough. My condolences to the, many, people here who knew them personally.
Gone for good 24 Mar 2016
In reply to SteveJC94:

Very sad news.
 Tony the Blade 24 Mar 2016
In reply to SteveJC94:

Thoughts go out to family and friends of Rachel and Tim.

 marsbar 24 Mar 2016
In reply to SteveJC94:

Thoughts with family and friends. Hope that having the bodies found gives some small comfort.
 nclarey 24 Mar 2016
In reply to SteveJC94:

Awful news. My heart goes out to all those affected by this, especially Tim and Rachel's family
 Trangia 24 Mar 2016
In reply to SteveJC94:

Very sad news.

Condolences to their families and friends.
Removed User 24 Mar 2016
In reply to SteveJC94:

Sad news. My thoughts are with the family.
 yer maw 24 Mar 2016
In reply to SteveJC94:
Condolences to family and friends
 james mann 24 Mar 2016
In reply to SteveJC94:

Sad news indeed. This does however provide some resolution for Rachel and Tim's families and friends. There will in time be an inquest which will examine in detail the events and circumstances surrounding their deaths. Can we please remember that families and friends will be reading this thread and make sure that speculation and discussion about these details don't form a part of this. It isn't helpful at this stage and could be very upsetting for those individuals at the heart of this tragedy.

 Martin Hore 24 Mar 2016
In reply to SteveJC94:

Thinking of Rachel and Tim's family and friends this morning.
 elliott92 24 Mar 2016
In reply to SteveJC94:
Rip guys. Thoughts are with family and friends in this aweful time. I am glad you can finally have some closure on this.
Remember the smiles, the accomplishments and the joy they had from time spent in the mountains. Massive respect to the mrt teams for the relentless search and also to the wider climbing community for their efforts to help.
Post edited at 07:53
In reply to james mann:

Well said, and the same goes for the other thread about this.

> Can we please remember that families and friends will be reading this thread and make sure that speculation and discussion about these details don't form a part of this. It isn't helpful at this stage and could be very upsetting for those individuals at the heart of this tragedy.


 JohnBson 24 Mar 2016
In reply to SteveJC94:

Closure for the families. Condolences to all who knew Rachel and Tim.
 Trangia 24 Mar 2016
In reply to elliott92:

> Remember the smiles, the accomplishments and the joy they had from time spent in the mountains.

What a lovely epitaph, and one which will instantly be understood by all mountaineers.

 Greasy Prusiks 24 Mar 2016
In reply to UKC/UKH News:

Very sad news. Thoughts are with family and friends.
 steveb2006 24 Mar 2016
In reply to I like climbing:

Very sad - found them inspirational on a great week on Pabbay last year. Memories.
I've merged messages of condolence from the news thread into this thread.

My thoughts are with Rachel and Tim's family today.
 Puppythedog 24 Mar 2016
In reply to SteveJC94:

Condolences and warm Thoughts from all the thedogs here. There are no words coming easily to me so I will stick with sorry for the loss for whomever experiences it.
 BALD EAGLE 24 Mar 2016
In reply to UKC/UKH News:

Desperately sad news. Sincere and deepest condolences to all family, friends and loved ones.
RIP Rachel and Tim
 el diablo 24 Mar 2016
In reply to SteveJC94:

Best wishes and condolences to all involved at this time.
 Greylag 24 Mar 2016
In reply to SteveJC94:

They were living their lives to the full and I'm sure they achieved and experienced more than most.

Condolences to the family and friends.
 stp 24 Mar 2016
In reply to SteveJC94:

Absolute tragedy.

I never met either climber but both climbers were UKCers and I'd become aware of Rachel when looking for sport climbing photos on here. She had submitted a substantial number of good quality images and also has a blog documenting her travels to interesting places abroad. Both seemed very keen climbers in all disciplines. Rachel had climbed up to 8a in sport climbing with relative ease. Sometimes the active community on UKC doesn't seem that large so the loss here seems that much closer.

Heartfelt condolences to all friends and family.
 skog 24 Mar 2016
In reply to SteveJC94:

Best wishes to their families; I'm glad the cruel wait is over.
 BedRock 24 Mar 2016
In reply to SteveJC94:

Such sad news. The mountains give us so much yet can cruelly take it away. RIP Rachel and Tim.
 Tom Last 24 Mar 2016
In reply to SteveJC94:

Really sad. Rest in peace.
 Ben_Climber 24 Mar 2016
In reply to SteveJC94:

Very sad news indeed! Hope the news brings some closure for the family and friends. Thoughts go out to everyone who knew them. RIP.

Once again a big thank you to the Mountain Rescue Teams for their selfless work.
 jon 24 Mar 2016
In reply to stp:

Beautifully said, Steve. I really can't add anything to that... just tragic. Condolences to all.
In reply to Toerag:

The BBC report linked in the initial post has been updated too.

In reply to jon:

A very sad morning however expected. I didn't know either of them bar a brief email exchange with Rachel, but their energy, good will and love of life were so obvious from even that small contact and their online presences. Rachel's gallery in particular speaks so strongly of a vibrant young life. They must have inspired many in both small and large ways.

Heartfelt condolences to friends and family.

 Babika 24 Mar 2016
In reply to SteveJC94:
Taken too soon - rest in peace together.

I lived next door to Tim and his family when he was at school - lovely young man who clearly grew into a fine and expert climber and mountaineer.
Post edited at 11:55
 Root1 24 Mar 2016
In reply to SteveJC94:

 lucozade 24 Mar 2016
In reply to SteveJC94:

Yes, really sad. Condolences, thoughts and prayers with family and friends.
 Jon Stewart 24 Mar 2016
In reply to SteveJC94:

Thoughts with all those who were close to Rachel and Tim.

I climbed with Tim on some of the best and hardest routes I'll ever do. He was a clever, quite intense, and really lovely man - a totally solid companion. And a great climber: when I think of Tim, I think of Arno Ilgner's phrase "unbending intent". Thanks for dragging me up those routes Tim, it was worth the long belays!
 Giles Davis 24 Mar 2016
In reply to stp:

My thoughts as well. Always enjoyed keeping track of their climbs through the log books and Rachel's Blog.

RIP and condolences to their friends and family.
 climbingpixie 24 Mar 2016
In reply to SteveJC94:

Sad news. Even before I'd met Rachel I felt like I knew her through her posts on here, her blog and her comments on routes I'd done or (more often) aspired to do. When I met her she was just as enthusiastic, inspiring and likeable in person. It's such a loss to friends and family, and to the climbing community as a whole. RIP both of you, you leave a hole in many people's hearts.
 Mal Grey 24 Mar 2016
In reply to SteveJC94:

Very sad news, thinking of the family and friends, and also those who had the sad task of finding and bringing them down.

Remember the good times - it sounds to me that they had more in their time than many of us achieve.

 veteye 24 Mar 2016
In reply to stp:

>Sometimes the active community on UKC doesn't seem that large so the loss here seems that much closer.

That's exactly how it is, and we were all gunning for them being found and rescued earlier, and so we are extremely sad and tearful at the new reality of their death. So how much worse for friends and family.

They died doing what we are all fired by.

So:- true and
> Heartfelt condolences to all friends and family.

 1poundSOCKS 24 Mar 2016
In reply to Jon Stewart:

> I climbed with Tim on some of the best and hardest routes I'll ever do.

Climbed with Tim also, last year at Kilnsey and Malham, and occasionally with Rachel at The Depot. Hard to believe.

BTW, I was wondering if it's Tim I met quite a while ago, when I dropped you at the services on the way back from Pembroke? Always meant to ask you, but never remembered to.
 The Ivanator 24 Mar 2016
 Jon Stewart 24 Mar 2016
In reply to 1poundSOCKS:

> BTW, I was wondering if it's Tim I met quite a while ago, when I dropped you at the services on the way back from Pembroke? Always meant to ask you, but never remembered to.

Aye. That day we climbed Darkinbad the Brightdayler (E5 6a), which was pretty full-on.
 1poundSOCKS 24 Mar 2016
In reply to Jon Stewart:

> Aye. That day we climbed Darkinbad the Brightdayler (E5 6a), which was pretty full-on.

Thanks, thought I'd met Tim before, recognised him one day at Kilnsey last year, couldn't remember where from, when he almost flashed my long term project. He got it second go. Not bad for a trad climber.
 nclarey 24 Mar 2016
In reply to SteveJC94:

More news has been released with some further details:
In reply to SteveJC94:

Call it a tribute, call it recognition of a service we all never hope to need, even call it holiday insurance if you like; but perhaps while we're out and about at the weekend we could all put a few quid in the next mountain rescue team collection box we see.

The Lochaber MRT (and others) have put a great effort into resolving these unfortunate events. All the MRT's are there when we need them; let's give them some support for what they do.

Tom Knowles 24 Mar 2016
In reply to Pursued by a bear:

> The Lochaber MRT (and others) have put a great effort into resolving these unfortunate events. All the MRT's are there when we need them; let's give them some support for what they do.

I agree, but let's not forget that it was a member of the public who discovered Rachel and Tim. My thoughts are with him/her as well as the families involved.
Jim C 24 Mar 2016
In reply to Tom Knowles:

> I agree, but let's not forget that it was a member of the public who discovered Rachel and Tim. My thoughts are with him/her as well as the families involved.

It's not really of any consequence, but the reports of a 'member of the public' sound odd for the location, as if non climbers are just walking past.

The report actually says :-
"On Wednesday, a climber found Ms Slater's body at the base of the gully, Police Scotland said."

 1poundSOCKS 24 Mar 2016
In reply to Pursued by a bear:

> we could all put a few quid in the next mountain rescue team collection box we see.

Also you can donate online, can't remember the site, I'm sure Google will reveal all.
 Misha 24 Mar 2016
A sad loss for all who knew them. Friendly, nice, always keen, great climbers and great friends. You will always be remembered.

For anyone wishing to donate to Lochaber MRT, here's the link
 chris_s 24 Mar 2016
In reply to Jim C:

That's just police language - to them a climber is a member of the public. It's really to distinguish someone from, say, an MRT member on an official search.
 Graham Hoey 24 Mar 2016

'What if they live no more these kingly days?
Their nights sleep with them still.
They dreamt their feet upon the starry ways;
their hearts rest in the hill.
We must not grudge the life left undone;
they hold the heights, they keep the dreams they won'

(After Geoffrey Winthrop Young).
 Pete_Frost 25 Mar 2016
In reply to SteveJC94:

My deepest, heartfelt condolences to Rachel and Tim's family and friends. I only climbed with Tim once and hoped to do more. He impressed me as a naturally talented climber, more mature than his years would suggest, and full of enthusiasm. Tim and Rachel may be gone, but they changed for the better the lives of we who had the privilege to meet them, and they will live on in us until we too take our last sleep in the crags and mountains that we love.
 Graham Booth 25 Mar 2016
In reply to SteveJC94:

Best wishes to the family and friend at this very sad time.

Having met Rachel at the depot in Leeds, I found her a lovely girl with her whole life ahead of her.

Rest in peace and God bless
 Rich W Parker 25 Mar 2016
In reply to SteveJC94:

I don't think I met them, although she looks familiar (perhaps from social media). I admire and am impressed by people who have professional careers and on top are active and impassioned climbers operating at an exciting standard. I think they were two of those.
 baileyswalk 27 Mar 2016
In reply to SteveJC94:

Thoughts go out to all the people that are hurting due to this tragic event. I sincerely hope that now having found your loved ones this can offer you some sort off comfort.
 Nevis-the-cat 28 Mar 2016

It's the saddest and heartbreaking news of all - my condolences to Tim and Rachel's' families.

I shared a few emails with Rachel, and she was a friendly and obviously inspired climber. It is such a loss.

People who do not climb or walk in the mountains will make comment, but it is important to remember that the mountains and uplands bring such joy and inspiration that are so life affirming. As climbers we see things that most people will never see - sunsets over snow covered Cuillin, aurora over Torridon or moonrise over frozen glens. It is a privilege to be in the mountains, and it is a privilege to be with there with people such as Rachel and Tim.

Lochaber Mountain Rescue Team
Yesterday at 08:11 ·

Tim's family have asked us to post the following:

A celebration of life service will be held for Tim Newton on 16.04.16 near Leicester. The family of Tim would like to invite his friends and those who knew him and wish to remember him.

His family would also like to say a huge thank you to all of the people who have commented on this site to share information and extend kind wishes and prayer. The kind words since Tim and Rachel were found have been much appreciated. The support of so many people has meant so much.

We would of course, like to thank again the MRT for their relentless hard work and support.

If you would like to attend the service please email Tim's brother and sister in law Ed and Safi Newton on [email protected] with your name and how you knew Tim. They will then send you further details
 James Oswald 06 Apr 2016
I first met Tim at the New Year’s party of a mutual friend and we climbed together many months later at Gogarth. We began with Resolution Direct on Main Cliff, each leading a pitch. We then climbed at Wen Zawn and did T-Rex. Tim cruised the first off-width/ chimney pitch, easily escaping from the squeeze chimney to the access the powerful layback crack. I lead the second pitch across the slab to allow Tim to finish with the final pitch of Dream of White Horses as it became dark. I had a great day climbing with Tim: he was a competent, skilled, fun and kind.

I first climbed with Rachel at Millstone Edge a couple of years ago after contacting each other through this forum. We climbed 7 routes at Millstone and Lawrencefield and I arrived home exhausted after falling off seconding Rachel many times. A couple of weeks later we went to North Wales for a week and I had one of my best ever weeks of climbing. We climbed at Gogarth, Idwal Slabs, Cyrn Las, Vivian Quarry, Dinas Cromlech, Clogwyn y Grochan, and Holyhead Mountain. One of the highlights of the week was a day at Dinas Cromlech where Rachel cruised Right Wall and Memory Lane. Rachel was a modest, kind and enthusiastic climber and I think that this rubbed off on me when I climbed with her.
I met Tim and Rachel a number of times since then: deep water soloing in Swanage; on a rainy bank holiday at Malham; and a sunnier Easter bank holiday weekend in Pembrokeshire. They’d tell me about the routes they’d climbed and which routes they wanted to climb next. Their enthusiasm for climbing was contagious and encouraged me to try harder routes at different crags.
I will miss them both. Rest in peace.

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