Dorset Bouldering

Dorset Bouldering Rockfax Cover
Author Ben Stokes
Published Rockfax (2015)
ISBN 978 1 873341 13 1



Dorset has emerged as a major bouldering area in recent years thanks to the hard work of a bunch of diligent locals who have combed the coastline seeking out every block, problem and traverse.

In addition to the well known areas of the Cuttings, the Boulderfield and the Neddyfields, the book has extensive information on the West Coast of Portland, many more areas on the East Coast, plus Swanage and Lulworth. It describes over 1500 boulder problems on over 350 pages.

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Crags covered by this Guide
Dorset crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Battleship Beach 113 Limestone all
Blacknor Beach 273 Limestone all
Blacknor Fort 36 Limestone N
Broad Ope 47 Limestone SE
Cheyne Cliff 332 Limestone E
Coastguard Beach 37 Limestone all
Dancing Ledge 179 Limestone S
Grove Point 37 Limestone all
Lighthouse Area 410 Limestone all
Longstone Ope 113 Limestone all
Lulworth 245 Limestone S
Peveril Point 15 Limestone S
Southwell Landslips 214 Limestone all
St. Aldhelm's Head 284 Limestone all
The Agglestone 22 Sandstone (soft) all
The Cuttings 176 Limestone SE
The Cuttings Boulderfield 601 Limestone all
The New Cuttings 120 Limestone SE
The Promenade 150 Limestone S
Tilly Whim 21 Limestone S
West Weares 119 Limestone all

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