Dry Tooling Great Britain

Author Lina Arthur
Published Oxford Alpine Club (2023)
ISBN 978-1-913167-15-8



The one and only dry tooling definitive guide for the UK! Excellent book and well worth owning if you're at all interested in axe climbing.

Crags covered by this Guide
Anglesey crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Penmon Point (Trwyn Penmon) 6 Limestone NE
Cambridgeshire crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Fen Ditton Railway Bridge (The Was) 27 Artificial ?
Clwyd crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
White Goods 38 Limestone W
Conwy crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Angel Bay 82 Limestone NW
Clogwyn Mannod 31 Slate N
Cumbria crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Bakestone Quarry 11 Slate E
The Works 29 Slate ?
Derbyshire crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Masson Lees Quarry 142 Limestone ?
Devon crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Sugary Cove 18 Crumbly rubbish all
Dorset crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Winspit 199 Limestone S
East Sussex crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Newhaven 21 Chalk S
Saltdean 77 Chalk S
Gwynedd crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Gideon Quarries [Glyn Rhonwy] 157 Slate all
Never Never Land 99 Slate W
Highland crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Dubh-Ghlac (Onich Slabs) 9 Quartzite NW
Leacanashie Woods Crag - Lochcarron 21 Gneiss S
Shiel Ring Quarry 5 Granite S
Invernesshire crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Aviemore Quarry 9 Schist ?
Midlothian crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Ravelston Quarry 20 Sandstone (soft) N
Perthshire crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Newtyle Quarry 41 Slate ?
Shropshire crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Llanymynech Quarry 134 Limestone S
Tyne & Wear crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
The Cove 17 Limestone E
Vale of Glamorgan crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Nash Point 19 Limestone SE
West Yorkshire crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Digley Quarry 4 Grit (quarried) W

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