Highland Outcrops South

Author Various
Published SMT (2016)


Excellent guidebook in the SMCs new format with lots of photo topos. For the Glen Nevis section it's pretty definitive up to and including 2015.

Crags covered by this Guide
Argyll and Bute crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Creag na Lice, Mull of Kintyre 8 - S
Creagan FaireDhaibhidh 10 Limestone NW
Mill bay crag 10 - S
Picnic Rock 13 Sandstone (hard) E
Wee Half Dome, Mull of Kintyre 9 Schist SW
Highland crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Achnaha Buttress 26 Gabbro SW
Aliens Slab 5 Gneiss S
Ardnamurchan Point 23 Gabbro NW
Ardnamurchan Point - Cave 2 Gabbro S
Carn Mhic a' Ghille-Chaim 10 Schist N
Creag Mhor (Loch Linnhe) 3 Quartzite S
Creag Mhor Bhrinicoire 14 Schist SW
Druim Fiaclach 17 Schist S
Gecko Crag 3 - S
Lizard Crag, Ardnish 6 Gneiss S
Meall a'Bhraghaid 4 Gneiss N
Meall Còs Chàrnan 13 Schist SE
Meall Doire na Mnatha 17 - NW
Meall nan Con 8 Gabbro all
Polldubh Crags, Glen Nevis 547 Mica schist all
Sidhean Mor 9 Schist W
Stac An Eich 24 Granite W
Stac Gorm 36 Gneiss SE
Wee Crag 3 Gneiss S
Invernesshire crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Ashie Fort 45 Conglomerate SE
Dirc Mhor 45 Microgranite NW
Duntelchaig 270 Gneiss W
Huntly's Cave 32 Schist NE
Shillochan Rock 8 Schist SW
Perth and Kinross crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Flintlock Wall 5 - SE
Perthshire crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Black Crag 31 Mica schist SW
Craig More (Crieff) 28 Dolerite S
Unknown crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Beinn Gheur - Ranald's Buttress 10 Schist W

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