North Wales Slate

North Wales Slate Rockfax Cover
Author Mark Reeves
Published Rockfax (2018)
ISBN 978-1-873341-43-8



A full guide to North Wales Slate covering the amazing quarries near Llanberis famous for their technical run-out slabs and, more recently, for the wealth of sport climbing. It is also famous for the bizarre and spectacular rock formations that give a unique climbing environment.

Crags covered by this Guide
Conwy crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Nantlle Valley 11 Slate all
Gwynedd crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Australia 298 Slate ?
Bus Stop Quarry 133 Slate ?
Dali's Hole 93 Slate ?
Fachwen Boulders 170 Volcanic tuff all
Gideon Quarries [Glyn Rhonwy] 157 Slate all
Nant Peris Quarry 7 Slate N
Never Never Land 99 Slate W
Rainbow Slab Area 179 Slate E
Serengeti 69 Slate E
The Lost World/Heaven Walls 67 Slate all
Twll Mawr 85 Slate NW
Vivian Quarry 163 Slate S

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