Climbs 20
Rocktype Gneiss
Altitude 284m a.s.l
Faces N

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From Time Lord © alan moore

Crag features

North facing, but catching the sun, the crag is made up of sheets of pale gneiss. Routes are slabby and have spaced protection. Several broad terraces detract from the overall quality of the climbs, but the rock quality is immaculate.

Approach notes

Four miles of rough, low level land rover track followed by a vague, boggy path to the crag.

Recommend cycling in and not driving. Pop in for a pint at Ardgour Ales( not the inn!) a few mins past the ferry on the way back.
Mike-W-99 - 18/May/24
You probably want to leave it at least a day after hevy rains - the various hanging-bog ledges can run for a while after the rain as stopped, though Indian Slab is one of the faster drying routes. Plus the long track in can become one long boggy wade after a wet spell.
oscaig - 12/Aug/16
Beautiful setting away from the crowds. Nice walk (about 2 hrs) up the Glen to foot of the crag, although would be rideable on a MTB. Next time I would leave car at Corran ferry and bike from there ( no charge on ferry) and have more money for beers after !
Nemo9 - 21/Jun/14
Great crag which deserves more attention really. Like etive slabs but easier grades and more escapable. The 10km approach is actually very quick on a great track to the base of the crag (almost)
arose - 13/Mar/13
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