Restricted Access

There are frequently problems with car crime in the Stanage area. DO NOT LEAVE ANY VALUABLES ON DISPLAY IN CARS OR MINIBUSES.

Camper vans are becoming an issue with local residents and farmers as their concerns over human waste (and contamination of water supplies) increase with the number of vans overnighting in the various parking areas and laybys there. Please respect this incredible area and the people living wihin it by not overnighting in campervans at Stanage - a number of formal campsites are available locally including North Lees campsite


Access restrictions under CRoW  sometimes apply to areas north of the causeway, these vary each year - see signing at access points, or check the PDNP website for closure dates.

2023 published closure dates are: - August 29th - 31st; September 1st, 4th-8th, 11th - 15th, 18th - 22nd and 25th - 29th; October 2nd - 5th


These closures do not affect any public rights of way or concessionary paths which remain open.

Seasonal Restrictions

Dates: 1 May to 30 July

Reason: Nesting Birds

Ring ouzels are nesting on Stanage, Burbage and Bamford this year. The nest sites change quickly and frequently as ring ouzels often have several broods each year with different nest sites for each brood. On site signage will be up around any of the nest sites where climbing may impact on the birds and this is always up to date and accurate.

Stanage from High Neb westwards (and Bamford Edge, Moscar, Derwent & Hallam Moors) has a permenant dog restriction and in addition can be for land management reasons, as allowed under the CRoW Act (which allows the landowner to restrict access for up to 28 days per year). Full details of any restrictions and the areas affected can be found by searching for 'Stanage' on the Natural England open access maps website and scrolling to the restrictions section at the bottom of the page. 

These closures do not affect public rights of way (which remain open) or the concessionary paths to Stanage.


Rockfax Description
An ancient classic. Climb the rib to a ledge. Move up right to the centre of the slab by a crucial mantel. Continue up the airy arete. © Rockfax

FA. Ivar Berg 1914.


ROCKFAX Eastern Grit: Top 50 , Top 23 UKC Climbed Climbs , ROCKFAX Eastern Grit (2006): Top 500 , 100 More Classic British VS Climbs , Stanage Routes BMC Graded List , Steve Ashton's 100 Classic Gritstone Climbs , 100 Stanage stars , Stanage 100 VD - VS , Hard Grit history , Stanage VS Challenge (1989 Guide) , Darrencabowabo,s hit list , World Graded List , Peak Gritstone S-HVS **+ , Peak Rock/2/ The Search For Difficulty Begins. , Chatsworth to Bamford , 50 of the Best , Peak district Road To Ruins Diff-VS , The best the UK has to offer for mere mortals (apart from the lakes cos its always wet) , Rockfax Eastern Grit (2015) Top 50 , 3 Star Stanage , Definitive *** Peak Grit , Eastern Grit 2 star plus (HVS/VS/HS) , Rockfax Peak Gritstone East (2001) Top 50 , Adele & Dave , On Peak Rock , Consolidation and developmental path to VS , Definitive Eastern Grit top 50- 2001, 2006 and 2015 editions , The Gritlist , Severe Stanage , Wired Peak District Grit Graded List , Wired Peak District Grit (2020) *** List , Every 3 Starred HVS and Under Gritstone , LD's next grit trip(s) , Eastern Grit Wishlist , Eastern Grit 2015 - Top 500 VS , 100 Best Routes on Grit , 2022 Rockfax Eastern Grit Graded List , 2023 , ROCKFAX TOP 50s upto e3 , MUMC 2023 Fundraiser Routes , Stanage - all the routes on Stanage in the 1964 Sheffield-Stanage area guidebook , Stanage 1956 , Stanage - not yet climbed - VD - VS


User Date Notes
C Witter 3 Sep, 2023 Show βeta
βeta: Plenty of gear, if you look around. Good route. Start the hardest bit? Nice slab padding. No strength: just balance and fear management. Loads of flying ants at the top.
Show beta
βeta: Plenty of gear, if you look around. Good route. Start the hardest bit? Nice slab padding. No strength: just balance and fear management. Loads of flying ants at the top.
milanboez 7 Jul, 2023 Show βeta
βeta: excellent and interesting slab climbing - thin gear
Show beta
βeta: excellent and interesting slab climbing - thin gear
PeteColdham 3 Sep, 2022 Show βeta
βeta: DMM 00 Dragon can be used to protect the crux excellently instead of a nut or maybe aswell as.
Show beta
βeta: DMM 00 Dragon can be used to protect the crux excellently instead of a nut or maybe aswell as.
THE.WALRUS 4 Aug, 2021 Show βeta
βeta: Decent route. Gear is adequate, but not abundant. The top half of the route, after the crux, is easy.
Show beta
βeta: Decent route. Gear is adequate, but not abundant. The top half of the route, after the crux, is easy.
JayW 27 May, 2020 Show βeta
βeta: Great route and worthy of the Top 50 badge. The middle section is the crux, which was overcome by a small side pull with the right hand before working the feet up the wall to access the mantel. Top climbing.
Show beta
βeta: Great route and worthy of the Top 50 badge. The middle section is the crux, which was overcome by a small side pull with the right hand before working the feet up the wall to access the mantel. Top climbing.
Pythonist 10 Jun, 2007 Show βeta
βeta: Solo, this feels like a slightly high grade VS, but not by much. Great route though it is, I'm not totally convinced of it's position as one of the best VSs in the Peak. Perhaps it was the screaming cadet crowd top-roping next door that detracted from the enjoyment!
Show beta
βeta: Solo, this feels like a slightly high grade VS, but not by much. Great route though it is, I'm not totally convinced of it's position as one of the best VSs in the Peak. Perhaps it was the screaming cadet crowd top-roping next door that detracted from the enjoyment!
Tom M Williams 24 Nov, 2005 Show βeta
βeta: Awesome route, gear sparse but its there when you need it. I liked Black slab (hargreaves original route?) more tho. Still well worth the 3stars.
Show beta
βeta: Awesome route, gear sparse but its there when you need it. I liked Black slab (hargreaves original route?) more tho. Still well worth the 3stars.
Si dH 5 Jun, 2005 Show βeta
βeta: ok repeated this yesterday and yes, the crux is well-protected. Must have had blinkers on the first timeI did it I guess. Getting stood in the break from where you place the gear is bold, though. Love the route.
Show beta
βeta: ok repeated this yesterday and yes, the crux is well-protected. Must have had blinkers on the first timeI did it I guess. Getting stood in the break from where you place the gear is bold, though. Love the route.
Simon Caldwell 4 Dec, 2004 Show βeta
βeta: That wasn't me, it was SidH.
Show beta
βeta: That wasn't me, it was SidH.
ABark 3 Dec, 2004 Show βeta
βeta: Good route, sketchy solo! I started in the little cave on the left and pulled through the right side of it onto the left side of the slab. Followed the left side of the buttress the whole way - it all makes a good variation
Show beta
βeta: Good route, sketchy solo! I started in the little cave on the left and pulled through the right side of it onto the left side of the slab. Followed the left side of the buttress the whole way - it all makes a good variation
Simon Caldwell 2 Dec, 2004 Show βeta
βeta: "you're all wrong"? Apart from everyone who said there was good gear. And you don't seem to have noticed the good no 6 nut placement - just because you didn't find it doesn't mean it's not there ;-)
Show beta
βeta: "you're all wrong"? Apart from everyone who said there was good gear. And you don't seem to have noticed the good no 6 nut placement - just because you didn't find it doesn't mean it's not there ;-)
LakesWinter 1 Dec, 2004 Show βeta
βeta: Sid, you can get a good number 6 nut in the cam slot on the left just before the crux, you can also get a 1.5 sized cam next to this. The bottom is bold but the crux is well protected
Show beta
βeta: Sid, you can get a good number 6 nut in the cam slot on the left just before the crux, you can also get a 1.5 sized cam next to this. The bottom is bold but the crux is well protected
Simon Caldwell 1 Dec, 2004 Show βeta
βeta: The bomber nut placement at the crux is to the left of centre IIRC.
Show beta
βeta: The bomber nut placement at the crux is to the left of centre IIRC.
Si dH 1 Dec, 2004 Show βeta
βeta: Simon Caldwell: The sideways nut placement mentioned above (by woker I believe) is complete crap, would not hold anything and is micro-nut size anyway (number 1 wallnut considerably too big). I could have done with a 1.5 cam but didnt have one, the 1 went in, albeit a bit undercammed. Where is your bomber nut? There could be placements over on the far right in the big break you stand in to place the cam, but I didn't go looking over there, its off route and I didn't fancy traversing anyway. If you start up the right hand-side at the bottom Im sure you can get gear in lower down, on the left-hand side (the original route) there is one very dodgy looking placement for a number 1 cam which i decided wasnt worth it at the time - a good job since if Id placed it Id have had nothing at all for the crux.
Show beta
βeta: Simon Caldwell: The sideways nut placement mentioned above (by woker I believe) is complete crap, would not hold anything and is micro-nut size anyway (number 1 wallnut considerably too big). I could have done with a 1.5 cam but didnt have one, the 1 went in, albeit a bit undercammed. Where is your bomber nut? There could be placements over on the far right in the big break you stand in to place the cam, but I didn't go looking over there, its off route and I didn't fancy traversing anyway. If you start up the right hand-side at the bottom Im sure you can get gear in lower down, on the left-hand side (the original route) there is one very dodgy looking placement for a number 1 cam which i decided wasnt worth it at the time - a good job since if Id placed it Id have had nothing at all for the crux.
Furzy Sleight 30 Nov, 2004 Show βeta
βeta: This is a truly great grit VS that held a lot of fear for me as a good friend took a very serious ground fall from the crux. It is however a great solo as well
Show beta
βeta: This is a truly great grit VS that held a lot of fear for me as a good friend took a very serious ground fall from the crux. It is however a great solo as well
Simon Caldwell 29 Nov, 2004 Show βeta
βeta: SidH, I'm afraid you're wrong and everyone else is right. Being a natural coward, I usually place both the bomber nut and a 'just in case' cam for the crux. The rest has adequate protection, though sometimes it's below your feet.
Show beta
βeta: SidH, I'm afraid you're wrong and everyone else is right. Being a natural coward, I usually place both the bomber nut and a 'just in case' cam for the crux. The rest has adequate protection, though sometimes it's below your feet.
Mr Pink 2 29 Nov, 2004 Show βeta
βeta: I'm afraid not old boy. I put at least 2 nuts, and 2 friends in at the crux. The bottom is bold, but relatively easy. Anyway, a brilliant route - I don't see any reason why it wouldn't make a good (and memorable) first VS, as long as you've got the right gear.
Show beta
βeta: I'm afraid not old boy. I put at least 2 nuts, and 2 friends in at the crux. The bottom is bold, but relatively easy. Anyway, a brilliant route - I don't see any reason why it wouldn't make a good (and memorable) first VS, as long as you've got the right gear.
Si dH 13 Nov, 2004 Show βeta
βeta: Oh and after reading the above comments, I can confirm to anyone wanting to lead this route that they are bollocks. I saw three other peole lead this today and while the ones doing the right-hand start got something in lower down, no-one had more than one cam for the crux. three nuts is a load of rubbish, expect to be scared if VS is your limit. High in the grade IMO.
Show beta
βeta: Oh and after reading the above comments, I can confirm to anyone wanting to lead this route that they are bollocks. I saw three other peole lead this today and while the ones doing the right-hand start got something in lower down, no-one had more than one cam for the crux. three nuts is a load of rubbish, expect to be scared if VS is your limit. High in the grade IMO.
Si dH 13 Nov, 2004 Show βeta
βeta: Well I heard it was not too well protected - but I didnt know I would be soloing the first 12 or 13m, then just have one dodgy cam for the crux. Pretty scary, but a great route, one of the best.
Show beta
βeta: Well I heard it was not too well protected - but I didnt know I would be soloing the first 12 or 13m, then just have one dodgy cam for the crux. Pretty scary, but a great route, one of the best.
Simon Caldwell 11 Aug, 2003 Show βeta
βeta: Mark, I don't think routes are awarded stars according to how easy or difficult they are, that's what the grade is for. If you're just pushing VS, or are crap at slabs, this isn't easy.
Show beta
βeta: Mark, I don't think routes are awarded stars according to how easy or difficult they are, that's what the grade is for. If you're just pushing VS, or are crap at slabs, this isn't easy.
Jon Greengrass 20 Mar, 2003 Show βeta
βeta: Bold??? what a well protected route if you've got a full set of cams, The moves are easy 4c if you're used to grit slabs, one to add to my solo list.
Show beta
βeta: Bold??? what a well protected route if you've got a full set of cams, The moves are easy 4c if you're used to grit slabs, one to add to my solo list.
gav p 15 Sep, 2002 Show βeta
βeta: Brilliant route. Reachy moves to start, followed by good friend 1.5 placement. Tenuous moves on the slabby central section; the crux seems almost undo-able at first due to the poor nature of the holds, but just lean in, commit to the balancy mantel and trust your feet, and it feels brilliant and easier than it looks. The angle of the slab is in your favour. The upper section is a romp. You have to work for your gear (almost exclusively cams - so take a decent selection), but you can get good, if well spaced placements. Felt high in the grade, and definitely not a first VS.
Show beta
βeta: Brilliant route. Reachy moves to start, followed by good friend 1.5 placement. Tenuous moves on the slabby central section; the crux seems almost undo-able at first due to the poor nature of the holds, but just lean in, commit to the balancy mantel and trust your feet, and it feels brilliant and easier than it looks. The angle of the slab is in your favour. The upper section is a romp. You have to work for your gear (almost exclusively cams - so take a decent selection), but you can get good, if well spaced placements. Felt high in the grade, and definitely not a first VS.
Robo 30 Jun, 2002 Show βeta
βeta: Found this easy, apart from the start. The gear is good enough where you need it, and top is a fantastic run-out. If you like that sort of thing.
Show beta
βeta: Found this easy, apart from the start. The gear is good enough where you need it, and top is a fantastic run-out. If you like that sort of thing.
london_huddy 15 Jun, 2002 Show βeta
βeta: Fantastic route! Solid at the grade, plenty of gear where you need it and a great introduction to proper grit slabs.
Show beta
βeta: Fantastic route! Solid at the grade, plenty of gear where you need it and a great introduction to proper grit slabs.
Paul Boardman 25 Apr, 2002 Show βeta
βeta: I found this quite hard for a VS! That mantleshelf is quite unnervng! But it's bommer protection & easy afterwards. A fantastic route!
Show beta
βeta: I found this quite hard for a VS! That mantleshelf is quite unnervng! But it's bommer protection & easy afterwards. A fantastic route!
Horse 11 Apr, 2002 Show βeta
βeta: Surely one of the best VS routes on grit, which is high praise and still somewhat bold especially if pushing the grade.
Show beta
βeta: Surely one of the best VS routes on grit, which is high praise and still somewhat bold especially if pushing the grade.

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Grade: VS 4c ***
(Stoney Middleton)

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