600m, 17 pitches.

Rockfax Description
(The Great Pillar) A Lofoten classic - long and serious, though increasingly overshadowed by its neighbours. The route received its long overdue first free ascent in 2001, though it is still normally done with some aid (N6- A1) where needed. Start on the grassy shoulder under the right-hand side of the pillar at a conspicuous groove. The route is best done when completely dry, as the normal top section involves an unprotected slab which is near impossible when wet, though this can be avoided by some grunge climbing. Carry two sets of cams and a full set of wires including micro wires.
1) N5, 45m. Climb up the corner/groove, then up a slab to a belay on the right side of a huge block.
2) N6-, 30m. Move left and down, traversing back up until you reach a stance at the right-hand edge of a ledge at the base of a left-facing groove.
3) N7-, 40m. Move left into the base of the groove (this is hard to start) then good climbing leads to the top of the corner. Climb the left-hand of two cracks to a narrow ledge (possible stance). Continue up a short hard groove and the continuation crack system (some loose rock) to the ledge.
4) N7, 40m. Climb the tough diagonal jamming crack into the big groove and continue up a chimney to a tiny ledge. The main corner - the original line - can be climbed at N6- A1 or N8- free.
5) N6, 20m. Start up a wide crack to a ledge, then climb the prominent left-facing corner to a sloping ledge.
6) N7-, 35m. Climb the big chimney, then move up a narrow right-trending ramp to a good belay ledge.
7) N7, 20m. The sustained left-facing corner leads out under a roof, then up to a stance in a niche.
8) N6-, 40m. Continue up the steep face left of the stance - tricky to protect and to find the easiest line.
9) N5, 55m. Head straight up the face, following the easiest line, then follow an easier groove back to the right to a stance.
10) N5, 50m. Move right into a crack which is just to the left of the a large groove. Continue up broken ground (poor protection) then traverse right for 30m to a stance.
11) N4, 45m. Climb up and right to the groove/gully. At its top, move left around an arete onto the left side of the ridge. Climb the face up and to the right to a huge flat ledge.
12) N4, 50m. An easy pitch (BIG loose blocks) up the right side of the ridge leads to a ledge 15m below the top of the ridge. Climb up and left to gain the ridge crest.
13) N3, 40m. Follow the ridge up then down, to a fixed belay.
14) 30m. Abseil then down-climb 20m to a gap - bolt belay.
15) N6-, 35m. Climb cracks to a tiny ledge (old peg) then move left onto a blank slab (poor nuts). Now move right and layback an arete (bold) to a ledge with many loose blocks.
16) N5, 45m. Climb around the left side of a pinnacle onto steep grass with loose blocks - from here the only way is up. Make a hard move at the end onto the flat ridge above, and relief!
15a) and 16a) N5. The final two pitches can be avoided by abseiling 20m down to the right and doing two pitches of 'mungy' grade N5 to reach the crest. This is less good than the normal route, but at least it is a fair bit easier. © Rockfax


ROCKFAX Lofoten Rock Top 50 , Lofoten Mid Grade Routes


User Date Notes
Willly B 30 Jul, 2023 Show βeta
βeta: The roxkfax description of this route is woeful. Find the peakbook guide's description and use google translate to follow it.. Used both rockfax and peak books guide to successfully route find. Will post link below. The approach took 2:30 hrs it would be easy to get lost on the runout slabs and have an epic The team in front of us had an epic on the approach, and got so spooked they backed off the second pitch and went home. The climb took around 8 hrs. Lots of route finding, some loose blocks. We did the first two pitches in 1 pitch. The 3rd and 4th pitches in 4 pitches All the pitches of 6+/6/6- as single pitches. The top pitches of anything graded 5+/5/5- or 4s climbing together with a Micro Traxion. The last (infamous) 6- pitch was fine if your ok on a runout. Got 2 poor micro offsets and equalised them. Also got a micro BD nut sideways in the obvious groove (ok) Decent took 3 hrs. You could have a massive epic getting off. Follow peakbooks description and photos to avoid epic. Amazing adventure, the best we had on the island. Partner may have felt otherwise.
Show beta
βeta: The roxkfax description of this route is woeful. Find the peakbook guide's description and use google translate to follow it.. Used both rockfax and peak books guide to successfully route find. Will post link below. The approach took 2:30 hrs it would be easy to get lost on the runout slabs and have an epic The team in front of us had an epic on the approach, and got so spooked they backed off the second pitch and went home. The climb took around 8 hrs. Lots of route finding, some loose blocks. We did the first two pitches in 1 pitch. The 3rd and 4th pitches in 4 pitches All the pitches of 6+/6/6- as single pitches. The top pitches of anything graded 5+/5/5- or 4s climbing together with a Micro Traxion. The last (infamous) 6- pitch was fine if your ok on a runout. Got 2 poor micro offsets and equalised them. Also got a micro BD nut sideways in the obvious groove (ok) Decent took 3 hrs. You could have a massive epic getting off. Follow peakbooks description and photos to avoid epic. Amazing adventure, the best we had on the island. Partner may have felt otherwise.
tcn_2002 28 Jul, 2019 Show βeta
βeta: Descent awful. Found 2x fixed ab anchors to the west of summit into gap with vagakallen, then climbed pillar on south face of vagakallen at about 6- to join nordryggen just before the gap.
Show beta
βeta: Descent awful. Found 2x fixed ab anchors to the west of summit into gap with vagakallen, then climbed pillar on south face of vagakallen at about 6- to join nordryggen just before the gap.

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High n7/7+
Mid n7/7+
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High n7
Mid n7
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High n7-/7
Mid n7-/7
Low n7-/7
Votes cast 1
Votes cast 4
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Grade: n7 ***

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