Logbook for morvich

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1,059 entries in this logbook showing 1-25
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Name Grade Style Partner(s) Notes Feedback Date Crag name
Wall Climb HS 4a * Lead Iona 26 Jul Castle Rock of Triermain
Gangway Climb HVD *** Lead Iona 26 Jul Castle Rock of Triermain
Yew Tree Climb VD ** Lead Iona 26 Jul Castle Rock of Triermain
Walk on the Wild Side HVS 5a *** 2nd Calum, tompercy 23 Jul Auchinstarry Quarry
Trundle VS 4c ** 2nd Calum, tompercy 23 Jul Auchinstarry Quarry
Orange Flash HVS 5a ** Lead Calum, tompercy 23 Jul Auchinstarry Quarry
Red Lead VS 5a *** 2nd Calum, tompercy 23 Jul Auchinstarry Quarry
Markerhorn 4c Lead Iona 19 Jul Kirrie Hill
Ruthosaurus 3c Lead Iona 19 Jul Kirrie Hill
Stegosaurus 4a Lead Iona 19 Jul Kirrie Hill
Fat Boy Slims 4c Lead Iona 19 Jul Kirrie Hill
The Hill has Eyes 5a Lead   19 Jul Kirrie Hill
Hill Billies 3c Lead Iona 19 Jul Kirrie Hill
La Plage 4a Lead   19 Jul Kirrie Hill
Screwless 3a Lead   19 Jul Kirrie Hill
The Roof VS 5a 2nd tompercy 13 Jul Craig More (Crieff)
Chisel Pigs VS 5a Lead tompercy 13 Jul Craig More (Crieff)
Painfull Memories VS 4b Lead tompercy 13 Jul Craig More (Crieff)
Pecker Up HVS 4c 2nd tompercy 13 Jul Craig More (Crieff)
Follow the Wild Geese Home VS 4c ** Lead tompercy 13 Jul Craig More (Crieff)
Scum on the Edge E1 5b * 2nd tompercy 13 Jul Craig More (Crieff)
White Slab HS 4b ** Lead Calum 11 Jul Auchinstarry Quarry
Promontory Direct HVS 5a *** 2nd Calum, jonny taylor 11 Jul Auchinstarry Quarry
Slinky Lizard HS 4b * 2nd Calum, jonny taylor 11 Jul Auchinstarry Quarry
Mister, Ye Can Walk Up Roon The Back S 2nd Calum 11 Jul Auchinstarry Quarry
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