Logbook for EddieA

Best Climbing Experience

Trekking in Nepal with my kids; Ruwenzori summits; cycling up the Vale of Buttermere and spending long summer days climbing in Birkness Combe; after-work summer evening dashes from Windermere into Langdale and trying to get done in time for last orders in the Old Dungeon Ghyll, skiing the 7,500 ft descent from the top of Mt Adams (Cascades)

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Showing 5 filtered results
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Name Grade Style Partner(s) Notes Feedback Date Crag name
Slip Knot VS 4b *** Lead O/S Fergus 3 Jul, 1996 White Ghyll
Hopkinson's Crack HS 4b *** AltLd O/S Fergus, Simon W 8 Jul, 1995 Dow Crag
Gordon and Craig's Route S 3c ** Lead O/S Fergus, Simon W 8 Jul, 1995 Dow Crag
Holly Tree Crack MVS Lead O/S Fergus 28 Jun, 1995 Helm Crag
Beacon Crack HS ** Lead O/S Fergus 28 Jun, 1995 Helm Crag
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