Logbook for emitto

Best Climbing Experience

Days out in the Peak, no plans, just climb. Anything in the Blue Mountains. La Demande (Verdon), lead all pitches and cried like a baby when I topped out. Balmy day in the sun ticking Conger and Freeborn Man. Spring/Autumn in Provence clipping bolts in Buoux.

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389 entries in this logbook showing 1-25
Name Grade Style Partner(s) Notes Feedback Date Crag name
The Blight 8a Lead dnf Tomar 18 Jul Potato Head
Cheeky Little Blighter 7a+ Lead rpt Tomar 18 Jul Potato Head
Triple Crown 8a *** Lead dog Steve Pack 16 Jul Anstey's Cove
Super Low Traverse f7A+ Sent rpt   12 Jul Anstey's Cove
Slopey Ledge Traverse f6B * Sent rpt   12 Jul Anstey's Cove
The Blight 8a Lead dnf Steve Pack 9 Jul Potato Head
Blighted 8a+ Lead dnf Steve Pack 9 Jul Potato Head
Triple Crown 8a *** Lead dnf Steve Pack 5 Jul Anstey's Cove
Empire Direct 7b+ ** Lead rpt Steve Pack 5 Jul Anstey's Cove
Empire of the Sun 7b *** Lead rpt Steve Pack 5 Jul Anstey's Cove
Triple Crown 8a *** Lead dnf Aidan 1 Jul Anstey's Cove
Empire of the Sun 7b *** Lead rpt Aidan 1 Jul Anstey's Cove
The Tuber Player 7a+ Lead rpt Tomar 30 Jun Potato Head
Tuber Colosis 7c+ Lead dog Tomar 30 Jun Potato Head
Mr Potato Bottom 7a Lead rpt Tomar 28 Jun Potato Head
Mr Potato Head 7c Lead dnf Tomar 28 Jun Potato Head
Super Low Traverse f7A+ Sent rpt   24 Jun Anstey's Cove
Slopey Ledge Traverse f6B * Sent rpt   24 Jun Anstey's Cove
Not Just Empire 7c *** Lead dog Kel Vargas 21 Jun Anstey's Cove
Empire of the Sun 7b *** Lead dog Kel Vargas 21 Jun Anstey's Cove
Super Low Traverse f7A+ Sent rpt   20 Jun Anstey's Cove
Slopey Ledge Traverse f6B * Sent rpt   20 Jun Anstey's Cove
Fast'n'Bulbous 7c Lead RP Tomar 20 Jun Potato Head
Steep Arete f6C+ *** Sent x tobydunford 17 Jun Pentire Point
Pacemaker E5 6a *** Lead dnf tobydunford 16 Jun Lower Sharpnose Point
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