Logbook for gingernick

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2,145 entries in this logbook showing 2126-2145
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Name Grade Style Partner(s) Notes Feedback Date Crag name
Sinestro S 4a * Lead O/S Adrian Protheroe May, 1990 Ogmore (Main)
Pillock VS 4c * Lead O/S Adrian Protheroe May, 1990 Ogmore (Main)
Christmas Hangover HS 4b Lead Adrian Protheroe May, 1990 Ogmore (Main)
Christmas Cracker HVS 4c Lead Adrian Protheroe May, 1990 Ogmore (Main)
Ladybird E3 5c Lead Adrian Protheroe 1990 Navigation Quarry
Army Dreamers HVS 5a *** Lead Chris Patilano 1990 St. Govan's Head
Front Line HVS 5a ** Lead Chris Patilano 1990 St. Govan's Head
Muppet Show E1 5a * 2nd Dave Matthews 1990 Fall Bay to Mewslade
Groovy Tube Day E2 ** 2nd Dave Matthews 1988 Dinas Rock
General Gordon VS 2nd Dave Matthews 1987 Ogmore (Main)
Armageddon HVS 5a 2nd Dave Matthews 1986 Third Sister to Zulu Zawn
Middle Earth VS 4c * 2nd Dave Matthews 1986 Third Sister to Zulu Zawn
Babylon HVS 5a 2nd Dave Matthews 1986 Third Sister to Zulu Zawn
Liang Shan Po E1 5b * 2nd Dave Matthews 1986 Third Sister to Zulu Zawn
Gimli VS 4c * 2nd Dave Matthews 1986 Third Sister to Zulu Zawn
Shelob HS 4b * 2nd Dave Matthews 1986 Third Sister to Zulu Zawn
East Gully Groove HVS 5a ** 2nd Dave Matthews 1986 Third Sister to Zulu Zawn
The Ring HS 4b ** 2nd Dave Matthews 1986 Third Sister to Zulu Zawn
Girdle Traverse HVS 5a * 2nd Dave Matthews 1984 Pennard
Skive HVS 5a ** 2nd Dave Matthews 1984 Pennard
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