Contributed by MTL Jul/15 - This public ticklist has been seen 5,550 times

Do all the problems in the listed easier/mid-grade circuits at the three classic Yorkshire Grit venues of Caley, Almscliff and Brimham in the 2012 Definitive Yorkshire Grit a day. An alternative to driving to Font, possibly mad. [Where routes are listed only the boulder problems starts are required].

Ladybird enjoying the sun on Three Swings Traverse, Almscliff  © KAshworth
Ladybird enjoying the sun on Three Swings Traverse, Almscliff
© KAshworth, Mar 2014

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1st Hidden 77% 16 Aug, 2022
2nd Jmpollard 68% 28 Nov, 2021
2nd Hidden 68% 7 Jan
3rd davkeo 59% 11 Feb, 2023
3rd Hidden 59% 26 Mar, 2023
4th daftendirekt 56% 16 Apr, 2023
5th Matt Barker 51% 11 May
6th daprince 47% 8 May
6th Furry Goose 47% 19 Apr, 2021
6th j-ho 47% 21 Jun

Map of routes in this ticklist

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Distribution of grades

Top 12 photos of this ticklist

Natalie Berry bouldering in 'God's own Country'

North Top Corner
Natalie Berry bouldering in 'God's own Country'
© Chris Prescott

Ladybird enjoying the sun on Three Swings Traverse, Almscliff

Three Swings Traverse
Ladybird enjoying the sun on Three Swings Traverse, Almscliff
© KAshworth

Chicken Heads Font 5+, Caley

Chicken Heads
Chicken Heads Font 5+, Caley
© Kevin Avery

Finishing the Matterhorn

Matterhorn Ridge
Finishing the Matterhorn
© TedT

Reaching for it!

Otley Wall
Reaching for it!
© gregamuir

Thanks for the picture Josh

The Flying Arete
Thanks for the picture Josh
© KieranFallows

Murky Rib

Murky Rib
© A Nidderdale boulderer.

Yorkshire Grit

The Flying Arete
Yorkshire Grit
© punkpunk

Emma on Murky Rib with Tom providing the power spot.

Murky Rib
Emma on Murky Rib with Tom providing the power spot.
© CameronDotSmith

Black Wall eliminate E2

Black Wall Eliminate
Black Wall eliminate E2
© Rowansb

Theo 14 putting his arms into Black Wall Eliminate at 'Arms'cliff.

Black Wall Eliminate
Theo 14 putting his arms into Black Wall Eliminate at 'Arms'cliff.
© squarecow

Atmospheric Almscliffe

Black Wall Eliminate
Atmospheric Almscliffe
© Nick Meek

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Three Swings Traverse f5+ 216 ? Almscliff
Pork Chop Slab f5+ * 731 ? Almscliff
Central Route f4 123 ? Almscliff
North Top Corner f4 * 169 ? Almscliff
Snappy Roof f6A * 312 ? Almscliff
The High Step f5+ * 213 ? Almscliff
Fall In f6A 116 5m Almscliff
Morrell's Wall f6A *** 1325 ? Almscliff
Hanging Rib f6A ** 368 ? Almscliff
The Flying Arete f6B *** 911 ? Almscliff
The Gypsy Start V3 * 140 ? Almscliff
Field Fare f5 * 205 ? Almscliff
Keel Crack f6B+ * 184 ? Almscliff
Nose Bag f6A * 218 ? Almscliff
Matterhorn Ridge f5 *** 1204 ? Almscliff
MK Original f5 * 197 ? Almscliff
Backhander f6A *** 308 ? Almscliff
Tetrapak Crack f5 * 106 ? Almscliff
Black Wall Eliminate E2 5c *** 800 15m Almscliff
The Nose f4 * 90 ? Almscliff
Jacob's Ladder Start f5 * 110 ? Almscliff
The Crucifix Arete f6A+ ** 492 ? Almscliff
Jam Pot f5+ * 124 ? Almscliff
Bancroft's Roof f6B+ * 123 9m Almscliff
Every Man Has His Niche E4 6b 5 6m Almscliff
Wall of Horrors Start f6B * 340 ? Almscliff
Pulpit Corner E1 5b * 132 18m Almscliff
Out of Pocket f5 * 137 ? Almscliff
Gray's Wall f6B ** 56 ? Almscliff
Teaspoon Variation f6A+ ** 217 ? Almscliff
Morris Minor f3 692 ? Caley Crags
Morris Crack HS 4b * 602 ? Caley Crags
Chips f3+ 511 ? Caley Crags
Courser Edge f5+ * 279 ? Caley Crags
Otley Wall f6A ** 609 ? Caley Crags
Chicken Heads f5 * 943 ? Caley Crags
Bob's Bastard 1 f5+ * 250 ? Caley Crags
The Neat Wall f5+ 128 ? Caley Crags
MBKC Groove f5+ 90 ? Caley Crags
The Groove f5 155 ? Caley Crags
The Thin Slab f5+ * 190 ? Caley Crags
Right Wall f6B+ 125 ? Caley Crags
Breakfest f6A 314 ? Caley Crags
The Plat Traverse f6A+ 11 ? Caley Crags
Chicken Arete f5 352 ? Caley Crags
The Chicken Scoop f6A ** 205 ? Caley Crags
Lip Traverse f6B+ 16 ? Caley Crags
Low Pebble Wall f6A * 427 ? Caley Crags
The Cruel Crack f5 216 ? Caley Crags
Forked Lightning Crack f6B * 596 ? Caley Crags
Sunshine f3+ 451 ? Brimham Rocks
Sunbeam f4 455 ? Brimham Rocks
Sunstroke f4 300 ? Brimham Rocks
Trench f5+ * 389 ? Brimham Rocks
Cubic f6A+ ** 250 ? Brimham Rocks
Joker's Reach f6B 200 ? Brimham Rocks
Gamma Goblins f6B+ 4 ? Brimham Rocks
Happy Days, Sit-start f7A ** 151 ? Brimham Rocks
Green Roof f6A * 39 ? Brimham Rocks
Red Face f5+ 121 ? Brimham Rocks
Learn n' Groove f6A+ 176 ? Brimham Rocks
Murky Rib f6A+ * 274 ? Brimham Rocks
Capsize f6A 3 ? Brimham Rocks
Perky f6B+ 32 ? Brimham Rocks
Minidigit f6A *** 102 ? Brimham Rocks
Piglet Wall f4 44 ? Brimham Rocks
Ripple Wall Traverse f5 91 ? Brimham Rocks
Niche Arete f6C ** 95 ? Brimham Rocks
Niche Roof. f6B 130 ? Brimham Rocks
Striding Edge f6A+ ** 7 ? Brimham Rocks
Flatline f6B 19 ? Brimham Rocks
Love Scoop f6A+ 21 ? Brimham Rocks
Heart Shaped Slab Arete f6C+ *** 35 ? Brimham Rocks
Fisherman's Friend f5+ 68 ? Brimham Rocks
Flipper f6B+ ** 108 ? Brimham Rocks
Sharkbait f6A 94 ? Brimham Rocks
7 e, 70 stars 20,042 53m 76
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