Contributed by Duma Apr/22 - This public ticklist has been seen 1,293 times

There's surprisingly few 7a's in the gorge, so how about:
All in a day...
Or a season...
Or a lifetime...
Full challenge would need an early start, understanding belayer, ability to do most of them first go, and some comfy shoes! No abseiling required at least.

Jack on Raw deal 7a in the Beautiful cheddar gorge.   © Jake.tebbutt1
Jack on Raw deal 7a in the Beautiful cheddar gorge.
© Jake.tebbutt1, Sep 2020

32 users are subscribed to this ticklist, and 3 have completed the full list.
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User Percentage Latest Log
1st Duma 100% 9 Sep, 2023
1st chrisscutt 100% 3 Sep, 2023
1st Jack_F 100% 8 Sep, 2023
2nd Hidden 91% 26 Feb, 2023
3rd anthony henry 87% 1 Oct, 2023
4th brices 75% 25 Jul, 2023
5th Owen W-G 50% 6 Jun
5th J1_TOV 50% 1 Apr, 2021
5th Oscar Popels 50% 11 May
6th Caspian Johnson 41% 10 Oct, 2020

Map of routes in this ticklist

Least routes Most routes

Distribution of grades - Sport

Top 12 photos of this ticklist

Raw deal

Raw Deal
Raw deal
© Mr p

My old man working Pirates...

Pirates of Lamb Leer
My old man working Pirates...
© TimC123

Getting into the crux on Pirates of lamb leer 7a

Pirates of Lamb Leer
Getting into the crux on Pirates of lamb leer 7a
© TimC123

Another great day in Cheddar before the ban takes effect

Pirates of Lamb Leer
Another great day in Cheddar before the ban takes effect
© TimC123

Finishing Raw Deal

Raw Deal
Finishing Raw Deal
© Paul Robertson

Jack on Raw deal 7a in the Beautiful cheddar gorge.

Raw Deal
Jack on Raw deal 7a in the Beautiful cheddar gorge.
© Jake.tebbutt1

Down-climbing Raw Deal

Raw Deal
Down-climbing Raw Deal
© Paul Robertson

Ray on Raw Deal

Raw Deal
Ray on Raw Deal
© henry.jeffreys

Cheddar valley last weekend. There are more pictures on + Instagram: AfterTheSend

Ritual Slaughter
Cheddar valley last weekend. There are more pictures on + Instagram: AfterTheSend
© samparsons

Shakin Like a Leaf

Shakin' Like a Leaf
Shakin Like a Leaf
© Seymore Butt

Raw deal final dyno move

Raw Deal
Raw deal final dyno move
© Jeff Armstrong

Cutting lose on the final dyno

Raw Deal
Cutting lose on the final dyno
© mop449

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Ritual Slaughter 7a * 128 ? Cheddar Gorge North
Raw Deal 7a ** 1108 ? Cheddar Gorge North
Joyride 7a 290 ? Cheddar Gorge North
Screwballed! 7a * 595 12m Cheddar Gorge North
Whose Line Is It Anyway? 7a * 391 ? Cheddar Gorge North
Sidekick 7a * 161 12m Cheddar Gorge South
Picador 7a ** 17 30m Cheddar Gorge South
Mooney's Route (Gather the People) 7a * 54 ? Cheddar Gorge South
Mir 7a 38 ? Cheddar Gorge South
2001 7a 26 ? Cheddar Gorge South
Croaking in Woking 7a * 147 ? Cheddar Gorge South
The Knack 7a * 122 ? Cheddar Gorge South
Adventure Before Sport 7a * 29 ? Cheddar Gorge South
Air Conditioning as Standard 7a ** 57 ? Cheddar Gorge South
Ho, Ho, Ho 7a ** 35 ? Cheddar Gorge South
Round the Bend 7a 131 ? Cheddar Gorge South
Pirates of Lamb Leer 7a ** 177 ? Cheddar Gorge South
Chavs Can Stall At Any Time 7a * 9 ? Cheddar Gorge South
Shakin' Like a Leaf 7a *** 577 ? Cheddar Gorge South
Dada 7a * 113 ? Cheddar Gorge South
(Sunday Shocker .. link .. Numb Ones > On Radio > SOTN )) 7a ** 13 20m Cheddar Gorge South
Tarmac Terminator 7a 57 ? Cheddar Gorge South
Sunnyside Up 7a ** 261 ? Cheddar Gorge South
Hang This - Sucker! 7a 21 ? Cheddar Gorge South
27 stars 4,557 74m 24
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