Contributed by A Crook Apr/13 - This public ticklist has been seen 2,624 times

A range of slightly tougher problems that will test your finger strength and in some cases your head for heights. There are some truly wonderful problems in this category.
As described by Mark Hounslea in the New Guide, but removed on published version

19 users are subscribed to this ticklist, and 1 has completed the full list.
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User Percentage Latest Log
1st nige 100% 7 Aug, 2020
2nd mshorter 88% 15 Oct, 2023
3rd Richard Hession 64% 8 Apr, 2019
4th Jmpollard 58% 12 May, 2022
5th Jay-Ast 41% 7 May, 2013
6th NeilGriffiths 23% 2 May, 2018
7th Hidden 17% 29 Sep, 2020
7th Daz Devey 17% 13 Jun, 2017
8th Hidden 11% 7 May, 2015
8th Hidden 11% 2014

Map of routes in this ticklist

Least routes Most routes

Distribution of grades

Top 12 photos of this ticklist


Yates' Layaway
© jim jones

Me on Bermuda Triangle

Bermuda Triangle
Me on Bermuda Triangle
© Sandra Hunt

Yates' Layaway.

Yates' Layaway
Yates' Layaway.
© jim jones

Pisa wall traverse

Pisa Wall Traverse Middle
Pisa wall traverse
© steveboote

Pisa Wall Traverse

Pisa Wall Traverse Middle
Pisa Wall Traverse
© Nick Manasseh

More fingery, crimpy unpleasantness

Queen of Hearts
More fingery, crimpy unpleasantness
© steveriley

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Colton's Crack f6C+ * 32 8m Frodsham
High Heaven f6C+ 12 ? Harmer's Wood
Hart's Arete Traverse f6C *** 39 ? Pex Hill Quarry
Queen of Hearts f6C 33 ? Harmer's Wood
Philharmonic f6B 18 8m Pex Hill Quarry
Tom's Wall f6C 17 ? Harmer's Wood
Yates' Layaway f6B+ 70 ? Harmer's Wood
Hart's Arete V4 33 ? Pex Hill Quarry
Headstone f6B 18 7m Pex Hill Quarry
Bermuda Triangle f6C *** 79 9m Pex Hill Quarry
Pisa Wall Traverse Middle f6B *** 223 ? Pex Hill Quarry
Boysen's Route f5+ * 67 8m Frodsham
Banner's Route f5+ ** 72 8m Frodsham
Twin Scoops Direct E1 6a ** 34 8m Pex Hill Quarry
Roll Out the Barrel V3 ** 12 ? Helsby
Oliver V3 ** 34 ? Helsby
Pocket Wall V3 *** 60 ? Helsby
1 e, 22 stars 853 56m 17
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