Contributed by Swampy167 Feb/15 - This public ticklist has been seen 2,157 times

My Personnal Faves from Churnet f6a to f6c+

Nick Sherring reaching for the finishing lip on Crumble Roof, Wright's Rocks  © Nick Sherring
Nick Sherring reaching for the finishing lip on Crumble Roof, Wright's Rocks
© Nick Sherring, Jan 2015

26 users are subscribed to this ticklist, and none have completed the full list.
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User Percentage Latest Log
1st Swampy167 93% 12 Apr, 2015
2nd Matthew Bennett 81% 20 Jun, 2017
3rd Elliot Shiel 75% 3 Sep, 2018
4th Souljah 50% 16 Apr, 2021
4th Hidden 50% 5 Aug, 2017
5th Jakob_tomki 43% 11 Jul, 2020
5th Hidden 43% 1 Sep, 2022
6th Dale 37% 9 Jun
6th dan23584 37% 1 Jul, 2021
7th MattSweeney 31% 27 Mar, 2021

Map of routes in this ticklist

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Distribution of grades - Bouldering

Top 12 photos of this ticklist

Spoilt for choice, pocket pulling heaven at Churnet Valley

Pocket Wall
Spoilt for choice, pocket pulling heaven at Churnet Valley
© Paul Phillips - UKC and UKH

Sit-start eliminate to Pocket Wall

Pocket Wall
Sit-start eliminate to Pocket Wall
© Paul Phillips - UKC and UKH

When the beast from the east was at its coldest, brrr

The Nose
When the beast from the east was at its coldest, brrr
© Stuart Brooks

Streching it out on the Nose

The Nose
Streching it out on the Nose
© Stuart Brooks

Dave Jones on Sapling Bulge in 1993

Sapling Bulge
Dave Jones on Sapling Bulge in 1993
© Simon Alsop

Stu eyeing up the finish to'Electrofly'

Stu eyeing up the finish to'Electrofly'
© Stuart Brooks

Stu on the excellent Nose Sit Start. F6c

The Nose
Stu on the excellent Nose Sit Start. F6c
© Stuart Brooks

Stuart on the sitter to Pocket wall F6b, Cottage Rocks.

Pocket Wall
Stuart on the sitter to Pocket wall F6b, Cottage Rocks.
© Stuart Brooks

The Nose 16/05/2020

The Nose
The Nose 16/05/2020
© Rock Harv

Me trying the Nose Problem at Gentlemans.

The Nose
Me trying the Nose Problem at Gentlemans.
© Rock Harv

Dave Mawer dishing out some duff beta!

A Longer Day
Dave Mawer dishing out some duff beta!
© Stuart Brooks

The Pelican

The Pelican
© Swampy167

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Last Wrights f5+ ** 433 ? Wright's Rock...
Home Cooking f6A * 28 ? Threapwood Woods
Booze Stand-start V0+ 96 ? Ousal Dale
Happily Ever After f6A+ * 2 9m Wright's Rock...
Sneezy f6A+ * 139 ? Ousal Dale
Touching Cloth f6B * 48 4m Ousal Dale
The Pelican f6B 51 ? Wright's Rock...
Crumble Roof f6A+ ** 372 ? Wright's Rock...
Sapling Bulge f6B * 185 ? Ousal Dale
Fruity f6B+ * 18 ? Threapwood Woods
Pocket Wall f6B+ * 265 ? Ousal Dale
Flowtation f6C * 54 ? Threapwood Woods
Electrofly f7A * 285 ? Dimmings Dale
The Nose f6C *** 600 ? Dimmings Dale
Jill the Traverse f6B+ ** 164 ? Dimmings Dale
A Longer Day f6C ** 13 ? Dimmings Dale
20 stars 2,753 13m 16
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