Contributed by curon Dec/17 - This public ticklist has been seen 4,020 times

A list taken from Jeremy Talbot's 1970 Gower Peninsula guidebook

Matt about to top out  © me1
Matt about to top out
© me1, Dec 2005

22 users are subscribed to this ticklist, and none have completed the full list.
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User Percentage Latest Log
1st mikej 51% 14 Oct, 2005
2nd Dunthemall 44% 1 Aug, 2023
3rd nickcanute 41% 25 May, 2015
4th wthompson098 31% 4 May
5th steve_gibbs 29% 25 May
6th curon 20% 27 Aug, 2022
7th Lizard Ollie 17% 22 Sep, 2020
8th JamesEG 13% 4 Jun, 2018
9th SteffJacob 12% 2024
10th matthewculley 10% 5 Feb, 2022

Map of routes in this ticklist

Least routes Most routes

Distribution of grades - Trad

Top 12 photos of this ticklist

Aby Iyer approaching the crux on Crime and Punishment, E5 6b at Trial Wall

Crime and Punishment
Aby Iyer approaching the crux on Crime and Punishment, E5 6b at Trial Wall
© Charlie Low Photography

My lead

My lead
© rossBr1

Great Tor panorama from Three Cliffs Bay to Oxwich Bay

East Ridge
Great Tor panorama from Three Cliffs Bay to Oxwich Bay
© highaltitudebarista


© Lizard

Laura enjoying 'Scavenger' as inane comments drift up from puzzled onlookers

Laura enjoying 'Scavenger' as inane comments drift up from puzzled onlookers
© The Pylon King

What's your best jamming face?!

Scout Crack
What's your best jamming face?!
© Mikaela Toczek

Scout crack

Scout Crack
Scout crack
© quis

Simon on Scavenger, VS 4b, Three Cliffs Bay, The Gower

Simon on Scavenger, VS 4b, Three Cliffs Bay, The Gower
© Simon Ager

Climbers on East Ridge, Great Tor

East Ridge
Climbers on East Ridge, Great Tor
© Trevers

Topping out on Great Tor

East Ridge
Topping out on Great Tor
© Trevers

James seconding the classic Scavenger (VS 4b) at Three Cliffs, Gower

James seconding the classic Scavenger (VS 4b) at Three Cliffs, Gower
© Simon Caldwell

The East ridge of Great Tor, Gower.

East Ridge
The East ridge of Great Tor, Gower.
© dmorgan27

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Alpha HVS 5a * 59 ? Pennard
Sudan E2 5c * 15 ? Pennard
Skive HVS 5a ** 37 ? Pennard
Phreatic Line E3 5c * 5 ? Pennard
Anemone Wall VS 4c ** 35 ? Three Cliffs Bay
Alternate S 4a * 28 ? Three Cliffs Bay
East Face D 1 ? Three Cliffs Bay
Inverted V HVS 4c * 384 16m Three Cliffs Bay
Joggled Wall VD * 704 18m Three Cliffs Bay
Scavenger VS 4c *** 1097 26m Three Cliffs Bay
West Corner D * 20 12m Tor Bay and Great...
Left Edge VD 8 15m Tor Bay and Great...
Fiechtl S 4a * 75 18m Tor Bay and Great...
Direct VS 5a ** 58 21m Tor Bay and Great...
East Ridge S 4a *** 731 73m • 4 Tor Bay and Great...
South Edge HS 4a * 48 42m Tor Bay and Great...
Twinkle Direct VS 4c * 139 10m Tor Bay and Great...
Scout Crack S 4a ** 467 12m Tor Bay and Great...
Central Flake S 4a ** 546 18m Tor Bay and Great...
Right Edge VD 155 18m Tor Bay and Great...
Notched Rib S * 11 15m Tor Bay and Great...
Classic VD * 780 19m Port Eynon
Dulfer S 4a * 859 19m Port Eynon
West Kante S 4a ** 84 25m Port Eynon
West Wall S 15 14m Port Eynon
South Wall Variation VS 4c * 5 28m Third Sister to...
Trident Wall E1 5b * 4 21m Fall Bay to Mewslade
Central Crack VD 16 24m Fall Bay to Mewslade
South Pillar Rib HS 4a ** 119 36m Fall Bay to Mewslade
Cima E1 5b ** 19 36m Fall Bay to Mewslade
Kaiser HVS 5a ** 29 40m • 2 Fall Bay to Mewslade
Power Trap E3 5c *** 10 36m Fall Bay to Mewslade
Cavity Crack S 4a * 21 15m Fall Bay to Mewslade
Checkmate VS 4b 6 13m Fall Bay to Mewslade
Adam S 4a 8 12m Fall Bay to Mewslade
Eve S 4a * 5 12m Fall Bay to Mewslade
Cyntaff HVS 5a ** 23 18m Fall Bay to Mewslade
Kalk S 4a 1 18m Fall Bay to Mewslade
Prima S 4a 15 15m Fall Bay to Mewslade
V Groove E3 5c ** 10 27m Fall Bay to Mewslade
Yellow Wall E3 5c *** 59 45m • 2 Fall Bay to Mewslade
Transformer E3 6a *** 30 48m Fall Bay to Mewslade
West Corner D - 15m Fall Bay to Mewslade
Endeavour HVS 4c * - 15m Fall Bay to Mewslade
The Nose HS 4a ** 121 ? Fall Bay to Mewslade
Thriller E4 6a ** 3 ? Fall Bay to Mewslade
Needle Crack VS 4b ** 174 ? Fall Bay to Mewslade
Odin VS 4b * 44 ? Fall Bay to Mewslade
Balder VS 5a * 210 ? Fall Bay to Mewslade
King Route S 4a * 194 ? Fall Bay to Mewslade
Sweyn HS 4b 87 ? Fall Bay to Mewslade
South East Diedre VS 4c ** 6 15m Fall Bay to Mewslade
Osiris VS 4c *** 858 36m Fall Bay to Mewslade
Crime and Punishment 7a+ *** 71 23m Trial Wall Area
Great Diedre E6 6b *** 2 ? Rhossili Beach
Central Slab VD 9 35m North Hill Tor
Sycamore HS 4a 12 ? Tor Gro
West Slab D * 24 36m North Hill Tor
29 e, 76 stars 8,556 1,010m 63
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