Contributed by KyleRussell Dec/21 - This public ticklist has been seen 659 times

All climbs that include either chockstones that can be climbed under, tunnels, arches, holes or narrow chimneys, giving the sense of climbing into, through and bursting out the other side to glory.
Predominately a winter route list grade 4 or lower there are some additions outside of those parameters that couldn’t be omitted.

Nice top out  © Rick Asher
Nice top out
© Rick Asher, Jan 2011

10 users are subscribed to this ticklist, and none have completed the full list.
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User Percentage Latest Log
1st manmike 25% 8 Mar
2nd Devonr28 16% 4 Mar, 2020
2nd Eddie2 16% 28 Dec, 2023
3rd Ian Lemon 8% 29 Jan, 2020
3rd Hidden 8% 5 Mar, 2023

Map of routes in this ticklist

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Distribution of grades

Top 12 photos of this ticklist

Foot and back, back and foot

Deep Cut Chimney
Foot and back, back and foot
© tony ball

gardyloo gully in lean conditions

Gardyloo Gully
gardyloo gully in lean conditions
© stewart barton

king of the chockstones: deep cut chimney

Deep Cut Chimney
king of the chockstones: deep cut chimney
© IM

Me leading top pitch in very lean conditions.  Couple hard moved to get out of here when its this lean.

Gardyloo Gully
Me leading top pitch in very lean conditions. Couple hard moved to get out of here when its this lean.
© 010paw

Kenny entering The Great chimney

The Great Chimney
Kenny entering The Great chimney
© Mike Franks

deep cut chimney

Deep Cut Chimney
deep cut chimney
© IM

Inside the CIC Hut, Ben Nevis. Jud Jordan reflects on a tough ascent of Gardyloo Gully. February 1967.

Gardyloo Gully
Inside the CIC Hut, Ben Nevis. Jud Jordan reflects on a tough ascent of Gardyloo Gully. February 1967.
© Tony Marr

Gardyloo Gully Ben Nevis

Gardyloo Gully
Gardyloo Gully Ben Nevis
© Rachel James

And breathe...

Deep Cut Chimney
And breathe...
© Hamish Frost

Coiling the rope after Crypt Route

Crypt Route
Coiling the rope after Crypt Route
© Jonny Tee 69

Deep in Crypt Route.

Crypt Route
Deep in Crypt Route.
© Mike Pescod

High-Lining on Ben Nevis

Gardyloo Gully
High-Lining on Ben Nevis
© Brodiehood

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Post Box Gully II *** 28 180m Sgorr Ruadh
Chockstone Gully II * 160 100m • 4 The Cobbler
Gardyloo Gully II * 411 ? Ben Nevis
Fuselage Gully II ** 191 ? Beinn Eighe
George III 4 *** 144 ? Liathach - Spidean...
Arch Gully III ** 45 ? Bidean nam Bian -...
Hidden Chimney III ** 1882 ? Cairn Gorm - Stob...
Ingrid's Folly/Peregrine Gully III ** 11 ? Gearr Aonach
Avalanche Gully III 4 ** 7 600m Gearr Aonach
The Great Chimney IV 5 *** 29 65m Ben Nevis
Deep Cut Chimney IV 5 *** 333 150m • 3 Hell's Lum
Crypt Route VD * 222 ? Bidean nam Bian
25 stars 3,463 1,095m 17
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