Nalle Hukkataival vs La Force Tranquille, Font 8CVideo

© Nalle Hukkataival (video still)

Nalle Hukkataival has made the second ascent of Daniel Woods' La Force Tranquille, Font 8C, at Magic Wood/Averstal, Switzerland.

On his blog, Nalle writes that he "...tried it one day 4 weeks ago when everything was all wet, and now banged it out in two days with no time to rest!" and that he"...took a devastating fall from the easy top-out because a hold broke, but managed to pull it together and climb it again next try all the way to the top!"

In a text message he elaborates further:

"Broke a hold on the 6C exit after basically climbing the boulder and fell. Did it next try so basically twice in a row. Most devastating fall of my entire life!!"

Daniel has previously said this is his hardest problem to date (yes, harder than Hypnotized minds), which would mean that, with the possible exception of Nalle's own recent addition The Understanding, this should be the hardest problem in the area. Nalle agrees it's a hard one.

It certainly looks nails!

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Nalle Hukkataival is one of the world's top boulderers. He has made numerous ascents of climbs in the Font 8C-8C+ and in 2016 he became the first person to climb the grade of Font 9A with the first ascent...

Nalle's Athlete Page 18 posts 4 videos

Pretty smooth send, nice one Nalle!
18 Jun, 2013
So he fell off then did it next go? A very 'devastating' fall then! And no matter how hard it looks it can't 'literally' look nails.
18 Jun, 2013
I don't know if it's up to you or me to decide how devastating Nalle's fall was. I guess we simply have to take his word for it ;) True about the nails-issue. It's just that it looks as though he is hanging on by his finger nails. And that I mean literally.
18 Jun, 2013
Fair point!
19 Jun, 2013
The report doesn't say it literally looks nails, it says it certainly looks nails. I agree. I assume it was devastating in that he'd just done one of the hardest bits of climbing of his life, then fell off easy ground when a hold broke, and probably worried he wouldnt be able to do it again. I'd be devastated too.
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