Chris Sharma on El Bon Combat 9b/+Video

© Ricardo Giancola

In early March of last year, Chris Sharma made what was probably his hardest first ascent ever, El bon combat at Cova de Ocell near Barcelona.

We covered the story last year, and then linked through to the Redbull Website when the video was released, but now the video has been put on to Chris Sharma's own brand new Youtube Channel.

We thought we'd take this opportunity to embed the video on to UKC, and also flag up that there are several other cool vids on his channel, and hopefully more to come. Enjoy!

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Chris Sharma’s preternatural climbing ability and visionary first ascents have earned him an enduring reputation as one of the world’s best rock climbers. This American professional athlete, ambassador and...

Chris's Athlete Page 23 posts 34 videos

10 Mar, 2016
There's another new vid just up on Sharma's channel with recent stuff at Oliana inc. Daniel Woods' ascent of Papichulo and a peek at another Sharma mega project called Le Blond.
10 Mar, 2016
That move on Le Blond is crazy. Cheers for the clip
10 Mar, 2016
Cheers for posting that pro.
10 Mar, 2016
Wow. Pretty amazing stuff..........
11 Mar, 2016
And cheers for the Jamcrack podcasts Grimer. That last one with Catherine Destiville was really good I thought.
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