International Women's Day Call for Pitches - Women Writers Welcomed!

© Daimon Beail

On International Women's Day, we'd like to encourage more women to pitch writing ideas to and In recent years, we have increased our in-house coverage of women's climbing and women in the outdoors, alongside more female-specific gear and training editorial, but we'd still love to feature more freelance commissions written by women.

Emma Harrington climbing on Sicily.  © Daimon Beail
Emma Harrington climbing on Sicily.
© Daimon Beail

We are especially interested in showcasing more work from people in communities underrepresented in outdoor media. Of course, we will always be open to ideas for content from everyone, but we'd like to take this opportunity to give women and marginalised gender identities a nudge to consider writing for us.

More women are climbing, walking and getting outdoors than ever before and the media landscape is slowly becoming more representative, but - despite a fair number of female editors in outdoor media - contributing writers in the field are still disproportionately male.

Perhaps you can help us get towards a more equal balance? If you've got an idea - no matter how big or small - get in touch!

What we're looking for:

We are very much open to ideas - don't get hung up on specifics, just drop us a line and we can talk it over! But here are some to start you off:

What we're not looking for:

  • We tend to like pieces with some depth. Blog-style pieces with no focus or story are unlikely to be accepted.
  • Solely pieces about being a female climber or walker, or issues relating to women (these are important and we have examples on the site, but we'd ideally like more women to be writing about non-female-specific topics and issues). If you have an idea for a women-specific piece, please pitch, but don't feel confined to this area.
  • Gear reviews. We have a team of dedicated reviewers and are not currently accepting submissions for gear reviews
  • Topics we've covered before, or which have been covered elsewhere especially recently. New angles might be of interest, though.
  • PR fluff/advertorial

How to pitch:

Send an email to natalie @ or dan @ We're not fussed about perfectly preened pitches; if your idea is strong/relevant and you briefly explain who you are and how you'll go about it, your idea will be considered. Writing experience is a bonus but not essential. Likewise with spelling and grammar! We have people for that.

Payment: We aim to pay fairly and promptly upon invoicing after publication.

Some previous examples of commissions from women:

For more information on what we're looking for, please read our article submission guidelines or feel free to get in touch if you have any questions.

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8 Mar, 2021

Yes. It's the 19th November. I'm sure Google could have told you that.

8 Mar, 2021

Great stuff, will you be running a piece on the front page for it?

8 Mar, 2021

Ignorant and passive-aggressive responses like this are a major reason why women don't pitch, or would prefer to do so in a space aimed at women.

It's also an excellent illustration of the ways that men often exert control over a space, whether geographical or online - and it's so normal that you don't even consider that you are exerting exclusionary control with your comments.

When would have been a better time for UKC to highlight that they would like more pitches from women?

8 Mar, 2021

That would be an interesting pitch, wouldn't it?

Men--who already contribute the majority of articles and don't seem to need encouragement to get in touch--to be encouraged to get in touch to discuss their experiences, which are frequently discussed...

Totally worthy of front page news, that.

9 Mar, 2021

Well said both Gritstone Widow and Wil.

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