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In condition? Leaving the axes at home for a winter ascent of Embankment 2...the way it should be done.
© Alex Messenger, Dec 2010
Route: Embankment 2 (VS 4c)
Climbers: John Roberts
Date taken: 8th December 2010
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VOTING: from 358 votes
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User Comments

Great shot, well lit!
Jamie Hageman - 09/Dec/10
... you even got your sleeves rolled up, positively tropical
Paul Crusher R - 09/Dec/10
this gets a 5 just for the timing and the comment imho
monsteratt - 09/Dec/10
makes the embankment look tiny!
Mr Powly - 09/Dec/10
Obviously photo of the week, Alex.
jon - 09/Dec/10
Must have been hard getting "all that ice" off the route. Good effort and good point well made. Not a bad shot either!
balmybaldwin - 09/Dec/10
Is that with car headlights or something?
The Pylon King - 09/Dec/10
Topping out looks a bit of a challenge!
Dave Musgrove - 09/Dec/10
Ok, for honest reporting's sake I climbed a couple more metres then down-climbed the whole thing. That's not to say you couldn't top out though but it would be a bit dicey on the solo.
But one thing was clear: there was not a patch of ice on any of the holds.
JR - 09/Dec/10
you'd have a mission getting a car in there at the's just a couple of flashes.
alex - 09/Dec/10
Cracking photo Alex!
Backing off a VS John, more training needed!
DuncanR - 09/Dec/10
well done sir !!
mux - 09/Dec/10
Surely this route must be due for a downgrading with all the chipping and scratching on it?
Johnny_Grunwald - 09/Dec/10
You must have been singing when you saw the result Alex. Getting the correct balance of natural/flash light is not easy and the climber in just the right pose. Perfect timing. Utterly brilliant photo and an inspiration to us all.
Sean Kelly - 09/Dec/10
chances of posting the strobist tags?
Paul B - 10/Dec/10
MorganPreece - 10/Dec/10
Arcticboy - 10/Dec/10
Nice flash work.Speedlite? good work.Passed me by at first glance but pic has grown on me, worthy POW.
Sean Bell - 11/Dec/10
picture of the week.
Puppythedog - 11/Dec/10
Could get a downgrade for that big, white, bouldering mat you've got under it... How deep was the snow?
Green Porridge - 11/Dec/10
Congratulations! This photo was chosen as Photo of the Week, based on votes by registered users over the past 7 days.
UKC Photos - 12/Dec/10
love it, cracking shot!
Toby S - 12/Dec/10
Fantastic idea, stunning execution, bang on topic!
Justin T - 12/Dec/10
Great work - perfectly timed in the light of recent events!
tjhare1 - 12/Dec/10
ice axe chumps if you put as much effort into your actions as this photo you'd had a better day doing something of value!!
Chevin Coyote - 12/Dec/10
Just look at all of that chalk damaging the rock! Terrible!
t_stork - 12/Dec/10
Congrats - one of the most apt photos of the week EVER :o)
David Hooper - 12/Dec/10
Surely this pic is the greatest silent argument against dry-tooling on the climbing world's touchstone rock.
robmacillechiar - 13/Dec/10
If I could, I'd give you six stars. Cracking shot!
dycotiles - 15/Dec/10
Beautiful shot, perfect exposure
shaun walby - 26/Mar/11
Perfect conditions for a gritstone ascent.
halo - 11/Jun/11
Fantastic photo :-)
PD - 10/Jan/12
such a great climb!
leoch01 - 11/Nov/15
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This picture is copyright. If you want to reproduce or otherwise re-use it, please email the photographer direct via their user profile. Photo added December 09 2010.
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