User Comments
Class. Is that the new petzl combined chalk bag and g-string?
Hillseeker - 14/Jul/12
Oh deear. Mr Hall on the rampage. Be careful out there...
david morse - 14/Jul/12
Yet quite unlike any other Gargoyle flake photo... :D
James Rushforth - 14/Jul/12
Thankfully, we can't see his Gargoyle.
ChrisJD - 15/Jul/12
Awesome Blade, hope you had your factor 50 cream on
adi3969 - 15/Jul/12
Very glad he didn't get scared and poo himself. :s
lanc23 - 15/Jul/12
how has this photo got stars?
lizzie789 - 15/Jul/12
Where is his HELMET???
cap'nChino - 16/Jul/12
Practice safe climbing kids, use protection
AlexBush - 16/Jul/12
Appears to have something wedged in the crack?
Greg Kirkpatrick - 19/Jul/12
Standing on the bridge to get to higher ground is cheating!
rustyfishhook - 20/Jul/12
How many votes would this get if he had his kit on? So being naked makes it a better photo. Not sure i really understand this reasoning. I mean, UKC does not exactly have a Page 3!
Sean Kelly - 20/Jul/12
And how many more votes would it get if it was a woman?
BeccaSnowden - 21/Jul/12
Congratulations! This photo was chosen as Photo of the Week, based on votes by registered users over the past 7 days.
UKC Photos - 22/Jul/12
The Pylon King - 22/Jul/12
for God's sake get that man a suntan!
Aidan TwoSheds - 23/Jul/12
Is this an advert for DMM Peenuts?
krikoman - 23/Jul/12
What a cock
krikoman - 23/Jul/12
Will there be a WI-esque calendar out in time for xmas?
random factor - 24/Jul/12
Is this what top ten has come to? Sensationalist pics with as many friends voting as you can muster? Ok its a laugh but for heavens sake!
andybirtwistle - 25/Jul/12
There was very little mustering. Read in to that what you will (Andy has assumed all of the voters are women showing appreciation for his fine, pastey physique). Sorry.
Liam Brown - 25/Jul/12
Where's Mr Miyagi when we need him?
johnj - 25/Jul/12
Aren't you supposed to be writing your dissertation, Blade?
mark catcher - 26/Jul/12