User Comments
Excellent. I like the wide angle perspective, it lets you see what’s coming up. Nice shot.
James Rushforth - 21/Apr/18
Cheers James
jethro kiernan - 22/Apr/18
A guidebook/magazine (if there are any left) front cover shot.
Mick Ward - 22/Apr/18
Yes Mick, there is. Climber is still going strong. Great shot Jethro.
David Simmonite - 22/Apr/18
Cheers Dave ????
jethro kiernan - 23/Apr/18
Smile face comes out as question mark :-)
jethro kiernan - 23/Apr/18
Wrong format for either a mag or guidebook, and cropping would lose the impact.
Sean Kelly - 26/Apr/18
Congratulations! This photo was chosen as Photo of the Week, based on votes by registered users over the past 7 days.
UKC Photos - 29/Apr/18
Love it, great shot indeed!
craigy4 - 02/May/18
awesome,may as well have an auto 5 button on your pics
mark s - 19/Oct/21