Boreal Ninja Sizing

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 plyometrics 08 Jun 2023

Going to purchase some Ninjas online (nowhere close by to purchase or try on) and would appreciate any feedback on fitting.

I'm a small size 8 and was going to get a 7.5, having read a couple of online reviews.

Just interested to see if anyone concurs with the 0.5 size down approach.

Any first-hand experience appreciated.

 john arran 08 Jun 2023
In reply to plyometrics:

I'm typically a 7.5 in street shoes and the Ninjas I had recently were a 6.5. They were pretty tight (as are all of my performance shoes), but not painful. They were, however, absolutely brilliant to climb in!

OP plyometrics 08 Jun 2023
In reply to john arran:

Excellent. Thanks John. Great to hear you’re a fan of them, which is encouraging!

Much appreciated. 

 matt1984 08 Jun 2023
In reply to plyometrics:

Feels very odd offering my experience following John Arran's! But here it is none the less:

Street shoe (air max): 9 / Old anasazis: 8.5 / New NIADs: 9 / Ninjas: 9

The ninjas I found impossible to get on with. Even at street shoe size they were unbelievably tight and highly unsuitable for my level. They were ace to climb in I have to say, but a good lesson that I in no way needed a performance shoe like that. A nightmare to get on/off and they had to come off inbetween every climb, contrasted with my NIADs which I can wear for hours and hours. 

If you can, I'd buy both street size and 0.5 under and then return one.

 Exile 08 Jun 2023
In reply to plyometrics:

I'm street size 42 and I got 40s.

I think you are Kendal based(?) if so, Rock and Run have them (although I'm not sure on sizing.)  I got mine at Kong in Keswick, but worth checking if they have them as that was a couple of years ago. 

OP plyometrics 08 Jun 2023
In reply to Exile:

Yes. Kendal based and R&R didn’t have the range of sizes to try, which is a shame. Ended up plumping for a size 7.5 from Kong. 

Based on helpful feedback here, thinking compromising between a 7 and 8 is probably a good bet. 

Much appreciated. 

Post edited at 17:41
OP plyometrics 08 Jun 2023
In reply to matt1984:

Thanks for the info and sorry you didn’t get on with them. I’m used to super tight shoes, so I’m the 7.5 I’ve ordered should be a decent compromise. Fingers crossed!

 john arran 09 Jun 2023
In reply to matt1984:

> The ninjas I found impossible to get on with. Even at street shoe size they were unbelievably tight and highly unsuitable for my level. They were ace to climb in I have to say, but a good lesson that I in no way needed a performance shoe like that. A nightmare to get on/off and they had to come off inbetween every climb, contrasted with my NIADs which I can wear for hours and hours. 

Any relatively soft shoe will need to be pretty tight to give you good performance, and so won't be comfortable to wear while you're not actually climbing. Most climbers of harder routes will accept a little discomfort for the performance benefit but will take their shoes off the moment they get back on the ground (if not before!) If you want something that climbs pretty well and that you can leave on for longer, you're better off with a stiffer shoe.

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