SPOTLIGHT: New Footwear Spring/Summer '21

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 UKC/UKH Gear 08 Mar 2021
Spotlight: Footwear

In the absence of any trade show this year, we've created our own. Normally, shows tend to focus on products hitting the market in 6 months to a year, but we've asked brands to talkĀ about the new kit available now. In this first round up, we're showing off the latest and greatest in footwear. From climbing shoes, to approach shoes, walking boots, and running shoes, there's something for everyone, and better yet - they're all hitting the shops imminently.

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 MischaHY 10 Mar 2021
In reply to UKC/UKH Gear:

Nice work team and especially Rob - I've sat through some truly awful remote product presentations this last year at work so this was a breath of fresh air in comparison! Nice concise information and practical considerations for all products discussed. Much appreciated! 

In reply to MischaHY:

Thanks Mischa, I was expecting a few character assassinations off the back of this, but I defy anyone to film 80+ of these and remain even vaguely coherent

Whilst Zoom isn't an ideal format, given the current set of circumstances - and the limited number of options available to us as a result - it seemed like a good opportunity to do something proactive (rather than nothing at all). It also gave us a good excuse to shift the focus away from what trade shows like to focus on, which is products that are going to be released in 6-8 months time, to what we - and likely a lot of our audience - want to focus on, which is products that are out now.

We've got a whole load more reports going live over the next week or two, so keep an eye out for those.

If either yourself or anyone else has any questions feel free to post them up here too.

 Dominic Green 10 Mar 2021
In reply to Rob Greenwood - UKClimbing:

great stuff, keen to try the new stiff soled unparallel model - a replacement to the blanco?

In reply to Dominic Green:

> great stuff, keen to try the new stiff soled unparallel model - a replacement to the blanco?

Yes, there's been a big Blanco shaped hole within the market for a fair few years now, so maybe - just maybe - this will be the answer. It was certainly interesting to see that Five Ten have made the new NIAD Lace (aka. Pink Anasazi Lace replacement) softer, because I'd have thought that would be an unpopular move amongst their fanbase.

No doubt we'll have them in to review sometime over the coming months, so as/when they're in we'll be able to pass further comment.

 Dominic Green 10 Mar 2021
In reply to Rob Greenwood - UKClimbing:

great, I'll be keen to see what you think. I hope we are seeing the end to the fashion for making lots of soft shoes !!!

I guess they are ok for indoor climbing ( although even indoors there are some occasions that  a bit of a midsole is helpful.

Need a reviewer ?!

 galpinos 11 Mar 2021
In reply to Rob Greenwood - UKClimbing:

Was there any info on how the UP Rise Pro fits/should be worn? I would imagine that, despite the claims of all day comfort, all that rubber over the toe is going lead to some pretty sore toe knuckles unless they are sized (and designed) to be worn with the toes flat, not crimped.

I have one more pair of whites in the cupboard but they are sized for performance, not comfort. An all day trad shoe that performs well (my climbing is totally dependant on my trust in my shoes) is still the holy grail.

In reply to galpinos:

> Was there any info on how the UP Rise Pro fits/should be worn? I would imagine that, despite the claims of all day comfort, all that rubber over the toe is going lead to some pretty sore toe knuckles unless they are sized (and designed) to be worn with the toes flat, not crimped.

I suspect that this will be something we'll be able to pass further comment on when it's reviewed, but the noises being made were certainly suggested that they were designed with comfort and support in mind; however, I share your concerns.

From personal (and shared) experience, rubber on the topside of the toe doesn't always equate to discomfort, at least not when done well, but there are several instances of it not being done well. I know that Theo had massive problems with this back when he reviewed the Anasazi Pro, as it turned them into a much stiffer, clunkier and less comfortable shoe than it was without the toe patch. As a result it made them almost unwearable for longer periods of time (i.e. trad).

On the flip side of the above, having tried the new Boostics, which have a whole load of rubber around the toe, but equally have a toe-box that's designed in/around this, demonstrate that with the right design you can easily achieve both performance and comfort.

 Jack jk 11 Mar 2021
In reply to UKC/UKH Gear:

Any idea when the Scarpa Rapid will be available? It's out of stock everywhere currently! 


In reply to Jack jk:

Hi Jack,

I've just got an impressively prompt reply from Scarpa: they're due to be shipped to the UK in mid-March and should be live on their site + available in stores from April.

Hope that's of help!

 Jack jk 11 Mar 2021
In reply to Rob Greenwood - UKClimbing:

That was impressively quick! 

Thank you 

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