NEW ROUTE CARD: Hawnby Hill - A Little Yorkshire Gem

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 Chris Scaife 01 Feb 2022

The North York Moors is mainly characterised by rolling heather moorland, where long distances can be walked with relatively little effort and where few other walkers are likely to be encountered. Hawnby Hill juts out like a sharp bastion of limestone grassland and native woodland in this sea of gently undulating heathland. Its distinctive shape belies its frankly tiny elevation - three Hawnby Hills piled on top of each other would still fall short of Munro height - but this is a summit that is unlikely to disappoint. The walk is a varied circuit through farmland, woodland and open moor, setting off from the charming village of Hawnby. 

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 Billhook 01 Feb 2022
In reply to Chris Scaife:

An excellent area with many quiet corners and villages.

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