A very lucky escape

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 The Pylon King 18 Jul 2010
Yesterday, whilst abseiling/equipping a lower-off/setting up to shunt back up, an old sling that was attached to failed and i fell the whole 25m to the ground. The ground slopes away a lttle at the bottom and is covered in bracken and so i didn't break any bones. Unforunately, however, i did grab the rope whilst falling and have sustained very bad burns on both hands. I was on my own but managed to drive to the hospital.
I feel like ive been beaten up today but i can't believe it wasn't worse.
The sling that failed was one i had found and had only used it by mistake.
Scary stuff and a bit of a wake up call!
 AntiGrav 18 Jul 2010
In reply to Dark Mavis: Is this a true story?
 Tom Last 18 Jul 2010
In reply to Dark Mavis:

Holy shit - good bouncing!
 subalpine 18 Jul 2010
In reply to Dark Mavis: climbing is a dangerous game...
 deepstar 18 Jul 2010
In reply to Dark Mavis: Had a ground fall from the top of Bon Bogies that could have killed me and remember as if it was yesterday that weird other world feeling on realizing that I was OK,in time I think it will make you stronger but take it easy for a bit,good luck.
 subalpine 18 Jul 2010
In reply to Dark Mavis: scary stuff- glad you;re ok
any idea why the sling failed, i guess you'll be doing a backup in future?
Profanisaurus Rex 18 Jul 2010
In reply to Dark Mavis:

Glad you're OK. A bit of a reminder not to blindly trust crag booty!
 Dan Lane 18 Jul 2010
In reply to Dark Mavis:

What type of sling was it?
In reply to Dark Mavis:

Wow that's a mighty big fall to walk away from. Glad you're in one piece.
In reply to Dark Mavis: Wow, 80 feet - thats a big fall. Glad you are ok
 ShaunD 18 Jul 2010
In reply to Dark Mavis: dont understand.if your anchor failed your rope would be falling with you.u after sympathy or wot. now tell us what rearly happened.
 Solsbury 18 Jul 2010
In reply to Dark Mavis: Glad your alright Mark-Rich
 Rob Johnson 18 Jul 2010
In reply to ShaunD: Unless the old sling was a cows tail.
 Charlie_Zero 18 Jul 2010
In reply to ShaunD:

I presumed the OP was attached to the lower off with the sling whilst setting up to shunt back up the rope, and the sling broke. There was no mention of an anchor failing.

Did the sling get shock-loaded causing it to fail?
estivoautumnal 18 Jul 2010
In reply to ShaunD:
> (In reply to Dark Mavis) dont understand.if your anchor failed your rope would be falling with you.u after sympathy or wot. now tell us what rearly happened.

In English?
 ShaunD 18 Jul 2010
In reply to Rob Johnson: sorry still dont understand.absailer on rope,rope through anchor,anchor fail, absailer and rope come tumbling down.rope burn? how? plus 25m walk away freefall.smell of bullshit wafts through.
 Poco Loco 18 Jul 2010
In reply to ShaunD:

He already told you he was setting up a line to shunt back up. I presume the sling that failed was attached from his harness to the anchor. Give him a break! He is lucky not to be dead...
 ShaunD 18 Jul 2010
In reply to estivator: dont knob me ,big boy explain. as i said i dont understand. educate old boy.
Profanisaurus Rex 18 Jul 2010
In reply to ShaunD:
> (In reply to Rob Johnson) sorry still dont understand.

Try reading, then!

> absailer on rope,rope through anchor,anchor fail,

Anchor did not fail, sling did. Rope thus remains attached to anchor, whilst climber (and sling) do not.

Are you really that incapable of understanding what the OP wrote?

 ShaunD 18 Jul 2010
In reply to fromthesouth: at last, now i understand. sorry never thought of that.i think the initial responce swayed my mind a little, in conjunction with a rescue callout i called in which was a clear case of munchousens syndrome.
 Kemics 18 Jul 2010
In reply to Dark Mavis: unless the sling was the anchor, i.e round a tree. Thats how i read it
 Poco Loco 18 Jul 2010
In reply to Kemics:

The anchor didn't fail, he said he got rope burns from grabbing the rope.

 ShaunD 18 Jul 2010
In reply to Dark Mavis:
> Yesterday, whilst abseiling

see, knew i wernt a knob.anyway dm knows he/she is that lucky. wot iv said is time u escape a death, that you have no right to, please be more clear in your o.p.
Hardman 18 Jul 2010
In reply to ShaunD: It's pretty easy, his belay device was connected to his harness with a sling to make it easier to control - fairly standard.
The sling failed, meaning he was no longer attached to the rope.

If you don't understand something, read it again, don't be so quick to call someone a liar.
In reply to ShaunD:

> see, knew i wernt a knob.anyway dm knows he/she is that lucky. wot iv said is time u escape a death, that you have no right to, please be more clear in your o.p.

Mate, what on earth are you on about here? If you dislike the OP's thread or the replies on it, just don't waste you time posting on it.

 Piers 18 Jul 2010
In reply to Dark Mavis:

Sh@t man - Glad your ok and its not any worse. I know what its like to have to drive to hospital on your own with injuries - I had to do it with a collapsed lung - scary stuff.

Off topic here tho - when is the guide book going to come out?
 ShaunD 18 Jul 2010
In reply to nickinscottishmountains: sorry. thought it was one of them troll things, he did mention abing and failure. plus 25 meter falls to deck, and drive away, arnt in my personal expectations.also its rare to bother anchoring to set up a ab.and as iv learned. trollers never repost.
 Kafoozalem 18 Jul 2010
In reply to Dark Mavis: Hi Mark, That's a really shitty thing to happen but you were very lucky to survive it. I am sure you will spend more time than usual pondering the meaning of life. I hope your injuries and the mental shock don't keep you away from enjoying climbing for too long. Best wishes to Laura and your lad. Pete.
 DancingOnRock 18 Jul 2010
In reply to Dark Mavis:
> .. an old sling that was attached to failed ...

To be fair DM doesn't say what the sling was attached to. Maybe people should actually read what is posted before character assasination.

Sounds like it would have been a lucky escape, even at 25ft let alone 25m.

 Harry Holmes 18 Jul 2010
In reply to Dark Mavis: sounds like you had a lucky escape. a 25 metre ground fall is fairly large to say the least
 Harry Holmes 18 Jul 2010
In reply to Dark Mavis: to those thing all this is bull shit you should probably think about how you would feel after the fall and keep you opinions to yourself
 alec roberts 18 Jul 2010
In reply to Dark Mavis:
Glad to hear you got away with minor injuries Mark, we all make mistakes, sometimes we get away with it, thankfully !
Off topic, just received new Symonds Yat Guide - looks great, thanks for your ( plus everyone else's ) efforts - much appreciated.

 aln 18 Jul 2010
In reply to ShaunD:
> (In reply to Dark Mavis)
> see, knew i wernt a knob. please be more clear in your o.p.

Hilarious, you telling someone to be more clear. If you posted with something approaching an understanding of the English language maybe you wouldn't come across as a knob.

 ShaunD 18 Jul 2010
In reply to TimR: i read it four times.the absence of the o.p. confirming my theory.
 ShaunD 18 Jul 2010
In reply to aln: do u rearly spell your name like that.your missing summat dude. no not a sense of hoomer..
 Tall Clare 18 Jul 2010
In reply to Dark Mavis:

Glad to hear you're okay.
 JoshOvki 18 Jul 2010
In reply to Dark Mavis:

Does that mean your rope and gear are still in place? :P

Lucky escape
 aln 18 Jul 2010
In reply to ShaunD: Do you "rearly" speak like that dood? You still sound like a knob.
 Harry Holmes 18 Jul 2010
In reply to Dark Mavis: someone needs to steer this topic back to where it was and away from the spelling an punctuation contest its turned into
 ShaunD 18 Jul 2010
In reply to aln: ok ok i went with an just didnt sound right.the way it was presented.that said due to overwhelming southern support it seems my gut troll awarness, in this case, was awry.lifes a bitch, but mavis wont care.
 Jimbo C 18 Jul 2010
In reply to Dark Mavis:

If this is a troll it's 10/10.

If not, glad you're ok and hope the hands heal well.
 aln 18 Jul 2010
In reply to naffan:
> (In reply to Dark Mavis)spelling an punctuation contest

I think you'll find that's "spelling AND punctuation".
As for the OP, Mr Mavis likes to have fun, this may/may not be a wee game.

 cwarby 18 Jul 2010
In reply to Dark Mavis: For what its worth, I had a hand burn, some partial, some full thickness. I saw a physio in Swansea burns unit. Best piece of advice I had was a)keep it clean while its healing b) move all fingers/hand even if it hurts a bit right from the start. This is because if you don't the new skin will not grow with the same flexibility. I did both. Yes it hurt. No I do not have any problems now.
It may seem harsh, but bl***dy well do what they say, it worked for me.
Get well soon.
 DancingOnRock 18 Jul 2010
In reply to aln:
> (In reply to naffan)
> [...]
> I think you'll find that's "spelling AND punctuation".
> As for the OP, Mr Mavis likes to have fun, this may/may not be a wee game.

Clever. Missing out the vital bit of info and letting everyone jump to conclusions and watch the ensuing bun fight. No wonder I find this forum so tedius.
 aln 18 Jul 2010
In reply to TimR: It's banter. I'm posting because I'm bored and stuck where I am which isn't somewhere I can climb. What's your excuse? And it's tedious.
 DancingOnRock 18 Jul 2010
In reply to aln:
> (In reply to TimR) It's banter. I'm posting because I'm bored and stuck where I am which isn't somewhere I can climb. What's your excuse? And it's tedious.

Not all of it is banter, I hope I can spot when it's banter and when it's just name calling which practically every thread seems to descend into.

I'm posting because I'm bored and stuck where I am which isn't somewhere I can climb. That's my excuse. And it's indeed tedious.
 ShaunD 18 Jul 2010
In reply to TimR: still think its a troll.
 aln 18 Jul 2010
In reply to Dark Mavis: I vaguely remember a Jim Perrin story where he slid down a rope or something and the skin on his hands melted.
 jon 18 Jul 2010
In reply to Dark Mavis:

Glad you're OK Mark. Rope burns are bastards, aren't they.
 Charlie_Zero 18 Jul 2010
In reply to ShaunD:

It would be unusual for a troll to be a crag moderator.
In reply to Dark Mavis:

Thanks for all the responses, sorry but ive been out of the house, hobbling up to have tea and cake with some friends!

No not a troll, heres what happened and its all my fault.

Abbed down to put a lower-off in a new route (route finishes a way below scrappy top), after putting the pegs in i realised i had left something at the top (including my slings). Attached my shunt above me with an old sling/tat that was with my pegs etc, took myself off my belay device and prussik so i could shunt up. Weighted the shunt then realised that the sling/tat on the shunt was one that i had found a while back and was just about to back it up when it failed.

I managed to retrieve everything apart from the shunt and sling so i havent had a close look at them.

Although very shocked, with mangled hands, i don't feel put off at all, in fact i will be back there asap to finish the job off!
 aln 18 Jul 2010
In reply to Dark Mavis: The sling snapped?
In reply to aln:

or came apart, don't know as i haven't retrieved it yet. I think it was a home made one - one that i was just using to carry gear on.
 aln 18 Jul 2010
In reply to Dark Mavis:
> (In reply to aln)
> I think it was a home made one
I have those. I like them, I trust my tape knot.
jimpy 18 Jul 2010
In reply to Dark Mavis:
pheewy a fall of 25m and then getting yourself off the deck and wandering off. a certain feeling of invincibilty must arise?
ape genes needed 18 Jul 2010
In reply to Dark Mavis: get well soon mate i know i dont know you but i have a injury too its a blumming sucker buts its life pal
 aln 18 Jul 2010
In reply to ape genes needed:
> (In reply to Dark Mavis)i know i dont know you

Are you sure about that?
 muppetfilter 18 Jul 2010
In reply to Dark Mavis: I am glad to hear you are Ok, a few injuries that will heal quickly you are indeed very lucky.

Please dont take this as a criticism but it may be a lesson about how gear is looked at in terms of safety. If you dont know the history of something it is prudent to just scrap it or make sure it doesn't go into service.
ape genes needed 18 Jul 2010
In reply to aln: yh im sure ,why u ask?
In reply to muppetfilter:

> Please dont take this as a criticism but it may be a lesson about how gear is looked at in terms of safety. If you dont know the history of something it is prudent to just scrap it or make sure it doesn't go into service.

Well yes, exactly, i have a couple of old found slings that i use for carrying old pegs etc on, it was never meant to be used as i did.
 John_Hat 18 Jul 2010
In reply to Dark Mavis:

Glad to hear you are ok, best wishes on the recovery.

As others have said, and I know the OP knows this, so this is more directed for anyone else finding gear on a crag, you don't know its history and don't know where its been, return it to the owner who knows both...

I still wonder if the guy who knicked my rope got damaged as it was on its last legs and had taken more big falls than any other rope I had.
In reply to James r p:
> (In reply to Dark Mavis)
> pheewy a fall of 25m and then getting yourself off the deck and wandering off. a certain feeling of invincibilty must arise?

more of a feeling of "stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, etc etc"

ape genes needed 18 Jul 2010
In reply to Dark Mavis: sorry my post was not clear , but hope you get well soon and wish you a speedy recovery!
 Nigel Coe 19 Jul 2010
In reply to Dark Mavis: DM,
Sorry to hear about your accident.

A week before my wedding I soloed to the top of a climbing wall to retrieve a rope that some friends had been practicing prussiking on. I pumped out before I got there, so decided to grab the rope, get my legs round it and slide back down. Grabbing the rope made it flick away and my legs missed, but didn't miss the ground. Result: one broken ankle, deep grooves in fingers, married on crutches. But the rope burns on my fingers healed really well with no permanent damage.
 pencilled in 19 Jul 2010
In reply to Dark Mavis:

F*&king Hell. Nice one Mark; that you're ok I mean.
Did you black out on decking, or do you now carry vivid and lively memories of a big trip groundfall?
 jkarran 19 Jul 2010
In reply to ShaunD:

> see, knew i wernt a knob.anyway dm knows he/she is that lucky. wot iv said is time u escape a death, that you have no right to, please be more clear in your o.p.

F**ksake man, get a spell checker! And slow down, try spending 30 seconds on sentence construction and punctuation before clicking submit. Reading your contribution is like being repeatedly jabbed in the eyes with the deliberately-annoying stick.

OP: Glad to hear you walked away from that. Must have been a sickening shock and one that'll be hard to forget in a hurry. Any idea what happened to the sling? Foundling or not it's pretty unusual for one to fail!

In reply to Dark Mavis: Bloody hell mate, I can't leave you alone for a minute can I. Hope your OK. Drop me a mail as soon as you are ready to get out again but not if you are now feeling invincible like one poster suggested. I climbed with somebody like that before needless to say he is no longer with us.

You are a very lucky man.

Where were you? I went to Shorn Cliff yesterday and it pissed it down so we ended up in the Avon Gorge.

In reply to Dark Mavis:

I asked the first ascensionist of a route called "Shamanic Wanderings" why he had named it thus. He told me when he was first trying to put it up (solo) he fell of, fractured his skull and came to wandering around in the woods. Apparently he led it cleanly when his head had healed. Great name though.

To the OP: Glad you survived to tell the tale, there but for the grace of God etc........
Wrongfoot 19 Jul 2010
In reply to Dark Mavis:

Fantastic stuff! Man falls 25m to be criticised for slightly ambiguous prose...

Lucky escape. Do you think the burns from catching the rope might have saved you from worse injuries on landing? Regardless I'm glad you bounced rather than broke.
 Dax 20 Jul 2010
In reply to Dark Mavis:

Wow! That was a seriously close one, could easily have been so much worse.

Happy to hear your relatively OK.
In reply to Dark Mavis:

For those who thought it was a troll:

Not for the Squeamish!
 Dax 20 Jul 2010
In reply to Dark Mavis:

Jeez .. that's gotta hurt.
 Phil79 20 Jul 2010
In reply to Dark Mavis:
> (In reply to Dark Mavis)
> For those who thought it was a troll:
> Not for the Squeamish!

Youch!! That looks like it might have smarted a bit.

Did grabing the rope slow you down at all, or did you hit the deck at full speed? Either way TF for a lucky escape.
 Dax 20 Jul 2010
In reply to Dax:

.. I guess it really was heat that did the damage? .. better that then the friction cutting through the flesh.
 Gandalf 20 Jul 2010
In reply to Dark Mavis:
and you managed to drive?! are you crazy?!

was tehre no one else around to give you a hand, apart from anything, your steering wheel must be a sticky mess now!
grindelwald 20 Jul 2010
In reply to Phil79: Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh that's a horrible photo! Yeuch you poor poor thing!
In reply to Phil79:
> (In reply to Dark Mavis)
> [...]

> Did grabing the rope slow you down at all, or did you hit the deck at full speed? Either way TF for a lucky escape.

Not sure if it slowed me down, i think the reason why i didn't break anything was simply the fact that ground slopes away and is covered in dense bracken.
In reply to Gandalf:
> (In reply to Dark Mavis)
> and you managed to drive?! are you crazy?!
> was tehre no one else around to give you a hand, apart from anything, your steering wheel must be a sticky mess now!

no i was on my own but i had some gloves to wear and yes it was exetremely painful- maybe i could write a book about it, like Joe Simpson did
 Chris the Tall 20 Jul 2010
In reply to Dark Mavis:
> (In reply to Dark Mavis)
> For those who thought it was a troll:
> Not for the Squeamish!

Ouch, that's nasty

How many times have you had the "Will you be able to play the guitar" joke?
 Tall Clare 20 Jul 2010
In reply to Dark Mavis:

bloody hell! Best wishes for a speedy recovery.
 jkarran 20 Jul 2010
In reply to Dark Mavis:

You're not kidding, that's grim! I hope they heal well.
Removed User 20 Jul 2010
In reply to Dark Mavis:
Strangely compelled to open the photo knowing that it would be grim!

Happy healing
 Queenie 20 Jul 2010
In reply to Dark Mavis:


Had to look away from the sore looking. Good healing, sir.
 David Hooper 20 Jul 2010
In reply to Dark Mavis:
Ouch - good luck mate - heal soon and mail me when you are coming to Wales
 JoshOvki 20 Jul 2010
In reply to Dark Mavis:

Owchie! I think you just helped me traumatise my other half.

Would be interested to find out what happened to the sling. Wasn't the shunt still attached to the rope?
 Kid Spatula 20 Jul 2010
In reply to Dark Mavis:

I fell 14m and broke 4 ribs, dislocated my wrist and fractured my skull a bit. If that makes you feel better.

Turned me into a right pansy it had.
In reply to JoshOvki:
> (In reply to Dark Mavis)

> Would be interested to find out what happened to the sling. Wasn't the shunt still attached to the rope?

Yes sling and shunt still on some ledges halfway up crag (fell off when i pulled the rope up.) I too am very interested to look at them both!
In reply to Kid Spatula:
> (In reply to Dark Mavis)
> I fell 14m and broke 4 ribs, dislocated my wrist and fractured my skull a bit. If that makes you feel better.
Exactly - a very lucky escape - somebody was watching over me that day.

 krikoman 21 Jul 2010
In reply to Dark Mavis:
> (In reply to Kid Spatula)
> [...]
> Exactly - a very lucky escape - somebody was watching over me that day.

You think they might have helped you to the hospital,then.
 Owen W-G 21 Jul 2010
In reply to Dark Mavis:

Glad you are ok. That's one of your 9 lives ticked off.

Out of interest, did anyone know where you were? Assuming it was one of the lesser-known crags you frequent, and perhaps there was no one around, it could've been much worse. I'm sure there's a valuable lesson to be learned, on top of the don't-use-dodgy-old-sling lesson.
Lusk 21 Jul 2010
In reply to Dark Mavis:
> (In reply to Dark Mavis)
> For those who thought it was a troll:
Get it posted on UKC, Photo of Week!

 Mike Lates 21 Jul 2010
In reply to Dark Mavis:

> Not sure if it slowed me down-
That's a lot of friction there and my basic physics says you should change the photo title to "Do grab the rope when free-falling". Would have kept you somewhat upright and presumably avoided the all important head impact?
 Timmd 21 Jul 2010
In reply to Dark Mavis:It's weird how life can change in a few moments, I hope any meaning of life pondering has you wanting to fit more in.

 Tall Clare 21 Jul 2010
In reply to Timmd:

um... I'm sure you didn't mean it that way but your comment sounds rather patronising.
In reply to Timmd:
> (In reply to Dark Mavis)It's weird how life can change in a few moments, I hope any meaning of life pondering has you wanting to fit more in.
> Cheers
> Tim

i just want hands to heal
 Timmd 21 Jul 2010
In reply to Tall Clare:I'm not sure how, because you can't hear the tone of voice I wrote it in I suppose, I didn't mean it in a patronising way though.

 Timmd 21 Jul 2010
In reply to Dark Mavis:I still get bored in the end, but I try and see time spent healing as an opportunity to see life differently for a bit, and sit and watch bees and read books, and do things I might not do if I was being active, I imagine your hands are painfull though. I think there are creams and certain nutrients which are supposed to help with speeding up how quickly skin heals.
Anonymous 21 Jul 2010
In reply to ShaunD:

Get your coat!
 Reach>Talent 21 Jul 2010
In reply to Dark Mavis:
Bloody hell those burns look awful, what on earth did the docs say when you presented them with that?

Get well soon!
 PeterR 21 Jul 2010
In reply to Dark Mavis:

Jeez mate, your hands look like a health&saftey 'don't do this sort of thing' poster!

I once 'bounced' from about 8M and saw my life flash before me (short and very boring) at 25M you must have had time to regret a whole lifetime of stuff.

v glad ur able to laugh about it now `:/
 Enty 21 Jul 2010
In reply to Timmd:

Top advice that Tim - 3rd degree burns to the hands - can't go climbing - sit in the garden and watch the bees - wtf?

 ShaunD 21 Jul 2010
In reply to Anonymous:
> (In reply to ShaunD)
> Get your coat!

one way ticket to dickhead island booked.
 MelH 21 Jul 2010
In reply to Dark Mavis:
> (In reply to Gandalf)
> [...]
> no i was on my own but i had some gloves to wear and yes it was exetremely painful- maybe i could write a book about it, like Joe Simpson did

Hehe - at least you are able to laugh about it!

Thanks for posting your story - grim reminder for us all! Hope your hands heal soon.
In reply to MelH:

Ive spent the last three months watching the fine weather drift by whilst i spend all my time looking for/moving house and then just when we are settled and i am granted a three day pass to get away somewhere nice, this happens!

 Timmd 21 Jul 2010
In reply to Dark Mavis:
> (In reply to MelH)
> Ive spent the last three months watching the fine weather drift by whilst i spend all my time looking for/moving house and then just when we are settled and i am granted a three day pass to get away somewhere nice, this happens!
> bollox

Stoicism may be your friend at the mo. ()
 Timmd 21 Jul 2010
In reply to Dark Mavis:

Here's a google link for the treatment of friction burns.

 blurty 21 Jul 2010
In reply to Dark Mavis:

Well done for surviving

you've certainly earned your wings!
In reply to Timmd:
> (In reply to Dark Mavis)
> [...]
> Stoicism may be your friend at the mo. ()

Yeah that and a bit of heroin

 Bristoldave 22 Jul 2010
In reply to Dark Mavis:
Just thought I'd add my best wishes for your recovery, sounds like you had an amazing escape.
 aged_ape 04 Aug 2010
In reply to Bristoldave: awesome escape from the reaper. Thanks for the work routing up the quarry - did a few yesterday and enjoyed them - a touch of Stanage in the Forest!

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