Trying to find Dennis Davies

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Does anyone know of a climber (probably from North-East England) call Dennis Davies who was climbing regularly in Langdale in the mid 1950s and climbing well I believe. I'm trying to track him down as I know he climbed at least once at the Clints of Dromore, Galloway before any routes in the current guide were recorded there and I'm wondering if there exists a record of what he did.
 Al Evans 13 Nov 2013
In reply to Stephen Reid: Is this the Dennis Davies that led the first succesful ascent of Nuptse in 1961? Although I think that was spelled Davis.
I climbed with him once or twice if it was, he is no longer in the CC members list so that could mean one of two things.
The only lead I can offer is try Pip Hopkinson on
[email protected] who introduced me to him or the CC if he is in the obituary list.
 rif 13 Nov 2013
In reply to Stephen Reid:
I was going to make the same suggestion that Al Evans has made. If it is that Dennis Davis, whose company I enjoyed once in the Oberland*, his contact details are in the latest (2012) AC members' handbook which you presumably have. (*see one of the photos in my gallery)

Rob F

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Thanks both - I'll follow that lead up.
 nastyned 14 Nov 2013
In reply to Stephen Reid: If it's the Nuptse Dennis Davis contact the Wayfarers' Club as he's a member.
In reply:

Thank you all, it is the same Dennis Davis. However, though he did climb with Mollie Fraser/Agnew at the Clints of Dromore, he doesn't have any records of climbs done and can't remember them now, not surprising seeing as it was over 50 years ago. Still it was worth a try.

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