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 David Coley 14 Feb 2007
Anyone been bouldering at Albarracin?

I'd like to know if there is a reasonable mix of grades, if its a good place for kids (both climbing wise and if the ground is reasonably flat, not a death trap) and what the temp might be next week - I understand it's high up. Thanks.
 StefanB 14 Feb 2007
In reply to David Coley:

I have bouldered there. It's great. There is a topo that you can get for free in a bar in the village. It's on the right side of the road, just after you trun off and cross the river. I have forgoten the name, but it's an old mill and the entrance is lower than the street. There is much more up there than on the topo and the best thing is just to head up and follow the locals or, if you speak Spanish talk, to the them. Or just play around yourself, without worrying about grades. There is something for everyone.
It's an ideal place for children. They can have a great time playing between all the boulders in the forest. You want ot make sure they don't get lost though.
It's important to notice, that part of the access agreement states no bouldering near the historic cavemen grafity and on any boulders visible from the street.
It gets cold u there this time of the year, but in the sun it can be very pleasant. teh local s know which areas are warmest at waht time of the day, so if you are heading to an area where everyone is heading away from follow them in stead.
 StefanB 14 Feb 2007
In reply to StefanB:

Just a quick note: A girl in the office from around there ahs jsut imformed me that it's not too cold at the moment, so the snow we had recently will probably have disapeared.
malt 27 Feb 2007
Going to be there (Albarracin) from 6th april 2007 for 2 weeks..
Will have to hire a car from Valencia airport as it seems the most practical...
I know a local who can only climb there on wk-ends cos of work..
My spanish is far from fluent,and its my first trip there,,
Anybody interested to come over for a week, over that period
i can offer to do pick up from air-port in return of sharing car-hire costs!
I'll be taking 2 crash mats,but the more the better..

Here is a really good clip of bouldering in Albarracin(

LucP 27 Feb 2007
In reply to David Coley:
Hi David

We've been in touch already but I thought that I'd share these video clips with everyone now that they're upon on the web and on my website.

I can't remember if I sent you the link for the topo so here it is again, just in case:

 The Pylon King 27 Feb 2007
In reply to LucP:

Hello sir

Website looking good

looks like youre keeping busy
LucP 27 Feb 2007
In reply to The Pylon King: Hi Mark

Yep, beavering away just doing film stuff now. Best not hijack this thread. Drop me an email.


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