Holmfirth Edge: public meeting to discuss it's future.

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Martin Kocsis, BMC 08 Apr 2010
There is a Public Meeting to hear your views on the future of this quarry. It will take place on Tuesday 20th April, 7.30, Wooldale Community Centre, Robert Lane, Wooldale.

Full details of the meeting are here:

I urge anyone interested in this ace crag to turn up. It is possible that the council see the site as prime development land and therefore something they can make a load of short lived cash out of. It is down to you lot (and all your mates) to impress upon them the long term benefit to the community of Cliff.

Pass this about in your club, at Cliff and around the MRT. We need to be there in force, although not “mob handed”! I will be there as will the local BMC Access rep Rick Gibbon (who has already had several meetings with the council)
Any questions?
 JSA 08 Apr 2010
In reply to Martin Kocsis, BMC:
> Any questions?

Pie and peas...?
 Tall Clare 08 Apr 2010
In reply to Martin Kocsis, BMC:

As I just asked where Wooldale was, I thought it might be more helpful for me to do this: 1XZ|HD9 1XZ
Removed User 08 Apr 2010
In reply to Martin Kocsis, BMC:

It's between New Mill and Holmfirth but up the hill a bit.

I'll be there and I'll bring me pitchfork...
Removed User 08 Apr 2010
In reply to Martin Kocsis, BMC: I've copied to the Huddersfield Uni Club and will get a notice up at Huddersfield Wall as well...
 JSA 08 Apr 2010
In reply to Removed User:

Is it possible to set up a facebook group to gain more supprt from people who may nor use UKC?
Martin Kocsis, BMC 08 Apr 2010
In reply to the inspiral carpet: Jesus, I could have predicted someone would ask, but not in the first post! Yes, Martin, there will be pie and peas.

If you want to set up a Farcebook group, please do. Why not?!
 schloosh 08 Apr 2010
In reply to Martin Kocsis, BMC:

I'm not around that week unfortunately but as I live 5 mins walk from Cliff I will tell people in the street who all use the area (not necessarily for climbing) about the meeting and spread the word.

Would be a real shame to lose it.
Rat know-all 08 Apr 2010
In reply to Removed User:
> (In reply to Martin Kocsis, BMC)
> It's between New Mill and Holmfirth but up the hill a bit.
> I'll be there and I'll bring me pitchfork...

Aye indeed, right where my mother in law lives.

I shall be there.
 Red Rover 08 Apr 2010
In reply to Martin Kocsis, BMC:
I'l be there hopefully
Martin Kocsis, BMC 13 Apr 2010
In reply to Red Rover: Further updates:

This open meeting is to allow as many people as possible to express their views on the future use of this piece of land. In order to allow as many people as possible to have their say...

•Each person will be allowed to speak for up to 5 minutes and where a group is involved, usually a spokesperson is appointed.
*If you wish to speak at the open session please give your name to Mrs Sally Barber, Officer to the Charity, who will be available from 7.00pm.
*A plan of the site will be available at the meeting. NB This is not Cliff Recreation Ground.

It is expected that the session will last more than an hour.

The purpose of the meeting is to allow the Committee to hear a wide variety of views on the future use of this piece of land and to gather information to assist it in making decisions in the future. No decisions will be made at the meeting by the Management Committee.

Sally Barber

Officer to the Charity 8 April 2010

Telephone & Fax: 01484 222462

Email: [email protected]

Removed User 13 Apr 2010
In reply to Martin Kocsis, BMC:


WHat do you think is the best approach from the climbing fraternity's point of view. One speaker? Or should each group, e.g. Uni Club, Local Club(s), BMC all apply to speak thus increasing impact?
 steveshaking 13 Apr 2010
In reply to Removed User: This is a good question, what do you think Martin?
Also some of us are very local, I don't know if we are over egging things if any of us apply to speak on what is essentially the same agenda. I would be happy to speak as a climber and a local, but I will be guided by you.
Martin Kocsis, BMC 15 Apr 2010
In reply to Removed User: Good question indeed. There will be various groups there: local residents, local climbers & the BMC and other concerned individuals.

I think that local climbers who use Cliff should stand up and be counted. I think the council needs to be aware of just how many people use Cliff, and how valuable it is to them. The BMC will certainly speak, putting things in a national perspective, and offering to support the council with any and all aspects of land law and such like. We can offer funding for any remedial work they need to happen.

The short answer to your question is that the more people who speak on behalf of climbing at Cliff, the better. The council needs to know it isn't just some leftfield past time enjoyed by a few.
Removed User 15 Apr 2010
In reply to Martin Kocsis, BMC: Hi Martin,

Talked to Mike (of Stone Donkeys - Hudds Climbing Club) and we decided that he shall speak, and also a representative of the Uni Club.

Also can we get Steve Foster (or someone else who lives in the village) to speak maybe?

See you Tuesday...
 veteye 15 Apr 2010
In reply to Martin Kocsis, BMC:
I won't be able to go to the meeting as I live in Stamford,but I went to Wooldale primary school, and had school trips there.
I would be keen to write to a relevant office or web site.

If they are planning to damage the area with development, I would not just play the climbing facility card, I would also point out that they will be damaging the wildlife.Certainly when I went to cliff as a teenager, there were skylarks and lapwings on the fields there.Additionally there are a lot of people who take their dogs walking,(as is evidenced by the huge amount of dog faeces around).The dog walkers may lose out too.Perhaps one thing that the local council could do would be to put up canine faecal collection bins, and encourage owners to take plastic collection bags with them.That way the chances of toxocara visceral larva migrans might be reduced, along with keeping footware clean.
 steveshaking 17 Apr 2010
In reply to veteye: As a dog walker and climber I can happily report the appearance of two bins and free supplies of bags. Alas there are still many who don't use them still. Old habits die hard.
Martin Kocsis, BMC 18 Apr 2010
In reply to steveshaking: Remember everyone that the meeting is this Tuesday. If you want to speak (and everyone should) you have to tell the clerk beforehand.

Pre meeting climbing at Cliff from 4.30, with a bit of a meeting warm up if you want it, and for those who can't make it, see you at the meeting itself.

In reply to Martin Kocsis, BMC:

Martin, if you enter this event here - - then it appears in the UKC Events Diary here -
It also appears on the News Page, the weekly newsletter sent out to 45,000 people, and the home page if you combine it with a Premier Post (which the BMC have loads of).

A good idea to use it for Area Meetings too.

 grubes 20 Apr 2010
In reply to Martin Kocsis, BMC:

The weather is looking great for the pre meeting climb tonight. Looking out my window at work in elland is just blue skys and sun.

More importantly don't forget the meeting is tonight.
Martin Kocsis, BMC 20 Apr 2010
In reply to grubes: Agreed, see you at Cliff and/or Wooldale.
Removed User 20 Apr 2010
In reply to grubes:

Good conditions predicated. Sunny with a cool breeze. Woop!
Martin Kocsis, BMC 21 Apr 2010
In reply to all: Thank you to the 15 or so climbers who turned up, as well as the Huddersfield CC and the Huddersfield Uni MC. Apart from us climbers, there were over 35 local residents. Everyone was of the opinion that Cliff should be retained for the benfit of the community. Apart from one gentleman who was clearly very angry about some other issue, and an excellent and informative cameo from the Cheif Constable of The Graveship of Holme, the evening was mostly uneventful.

The committee, whilst not deciding anything at that meeting, said (and I paraphrase here) that their preferred option was to retain Cliff for the community.

All is not signed and sealed, so we will keep you informed and keep up the pressure. The BMC came out of it very well, as did all the climbers who turned up.

If you do go to Cliff, please park away from the houses at the foot of the track (near no 70) as they have big problems parking. If you stop 200yds back up the road and walk for a few minutes that is better. More on that coming soon.


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