Gritstone bouldering in the Peak District...

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 Fiend 29 Dec 2003
Can anyone think of even ONE good reason why one would boulder in the Peak District when one could boulder in Yorkshire instead??

I'm struggling...
Ian Hill 29 Dec 2003
In reply to Fiend: and why bother with either when there's the granite on Dartmoor??
 FedUp 29 Dec 2003
In reply to Fiend:
Can't think of one good reason why one would boulder.
Yawn. I'm off to bed.
OP Fiend 29 Dec 2003
In reply to Ian Hill:

Well apart from it being vastly overgraded and hundreds of miles away. And it probably never gets cold enough either. And the rock looks like giant horse turds. But aside from that...
In reply to Fiend: Yorks + Peak = twice the fun!
 tobyfk 29 Dec 2003
In reply to Fiend:
> (In reply to Ian Hill)
> Well apart from it being vastly overgraded


care to justify that ...
 Tyler 29 Dec 2003
In reply to Fiend:

Went to Secret Garden today for the first time, not brilliant but it was somewhere new, if I'd have gone to Yorkshire it would have been to Almscliff (muddier), Earl (colder), Bridestones (windier) or Caley (greener). I'm glad I went to the Peak for those reason and because I was in good company and it took me less time to get to and from. I now have no fingertips.
Anonymous 29 Dec 2003
In reply to Tyler:

Almscliff wouldn't have been muddy today - I don't think the temperature rose above freezing! Caley & Earl would have been dry but a possibly a bit chilly. Bridestones would have been superb (no wind today!). And apparently there are a few more crags in Yorkshire....

The Secret Garden is good though - you can do Beachball and pretend it's V8.
OP Fiend 29 Dec 2003
In reply to Anonymous:

That would be B8, surely??

In reply to whichever Toby it is:

Gingerkate told me. So it must be true.
 Tyler 29 Dec 2003
In reply to Anonymous:

The point i was making is that you go to different crags for different reasons and to make blanket sdismissals of crags (or entire areas) is a bit short sighted. I'm afraid I couldn't do Beachball so I can't pretend to have climbd V8 (I'm short though!), my mate did it though is it meant to be V8 then? I take it you think it is easier?
 Tyler 29 Dec 2003
In reply to Fiend:

> Gingerkate told me. So it must be true.

Oh, FFS!
 tobyfk 29 Dec 2003
In reply to Fiend:

> Gingerkate told me. So it must be true.

So pontificating about somewhere you've never been again? Some things never change ..
charliehill 29 Dec 2003
In reply to Fiend: Antagonist!!
ian h 30 Dec 2003
In reply to Fiend:

dont think dartmoor is overgraded and it definately gets cold there so that is crap.

whoever said beachball is not an 8. i have heard it suits small people but for me it is every bit an 8.
Anonymous 30 Dec 2003
fukin 'ell
you people actually react to this tool?
Anonymous 30 Dec 2003
In reply to Fiend:
> Can anyone think of even ONE good reason why one would boulder in the Peak District when one could boulder in Yorkshire instead??
> I'm struggling...

Yorkshire is crap, not worth the drive, if you have to go stick to Almscliff. And if people mention places like
Earl Crag
Dove Stones
Hellifield Crag
Lord's Seat
Shipley Glen
Swastika Stones
Calf Crag
Fairies Chest
Guisecliff secret
Healaugh Crag
High Crag
Huller Stones
Simon's Seat
Brown Beck
Cat Crags
Deer Gallows
Flasby Fell
Palleys Crags
Park Crag

Do not listen, there trolling ya!

sloper 30 Dec 2003
In reply to Anonymous: Have you done alien nation yet? Or are you still fat and crap.
Anonymous 30 Dec 2003
In reply to sloper:

No, but I havent tried again! Hear your fatter than ever!
 Jus 30 Dec 2003
In reply to Anonymous:

I'd have to agree. They're all crap.
 Simon 30 Dec 2003
In reply to Fiend:
> Can anyone think of even ONE good reason why one would boulder in the Peak District when one could boulder in Yorkshire instead??
> I'm struggling...

Err, cos it takes over an hour to get to Yorkshire & 10 mins to get to the Peak.

...dunno why I bothered replying to that stoopid question....
sloper 30 Dec 2003
In reply to Anonymous: You heard wrong. Wonderful excuse for not climbing don't go climbing.

I would ahve onsighted widdop wall but I haven't been there so I haven't done so.

For gods sake man you live 5 minutes from Brimham.
Anonymous 30 Dec 2003
In reply to sloper:

Theres more to Brimham than Alien nation, it's good but not that good, and you need a couple of mats and good winter conditions.

sloper 30 Dec 2003
In reply to Anonymous: So Francis, what was your excuse for your prvious failure as there were about 5 mats, 6 spotters and the conditions were perfect (except for the snow and ice at the top)?

For the record,

I flashed it to the jug below the top but didn't top out due to the ice.

You wouldn't let go of the starting hold.
Anonymous 30 Dec 2003
In reply to sloper:

Well Thomas, to cut a long story short, gravity got the better of me, but as you didnt latch the top, never mind top out, I do not think you can claim the tick! do you?

I think a re-match?
OP Fiend 30 Dec 2003
In reply to Fiend:

Here fishy fishies.....=)

It is true although the local flora *cough* FH *cough* and fauna might be a bit offputting.
Pylon King 30 Dec 2003
In reply to Fiend:
But why go all that way to boulder?
Surely if the conditions are so great you should be on all those fantastic routes that are patiently waiting your attention.
daveP 30 Dec 2003
In reply to Fiend:
> Can anyone think of even ONE good reason why one would boulder in the Peak District when one could boulder in Yorkshire instead??
> I'm struggling...

I think by indicating that you'll be spending all your time in yorshire grit you've just increased the popularity of peak crags by tenfold. Cheers.
 Simon 30 Dec 2003
In reply to daveP:

some hope....

Anonymous 30 Dec 2003
In reply to Simon:

I think it's pretty obvious that there's more good bouldering in Yorkshire than in the Peaks. But Yorkshire is more spread out, isn't so good for routes, and is further for most people to travel, hence it's a lot quieter than the Peaks.
 Simon 30 Dec 2003
In reply to Anonymous:

All True & it does have the best bouldering though...

mmmm... the bridestones........


And its the fkn PEAK!


...will U lot ever learn????
bomb the bass 31 Dec 2003
In reply to Fiend:

The question you should have been asking is why would people boulder in the peak district, when one could climb in the peak district instead?

By the way when you were in wanaka did you climb magic mushroom, v4 cave arete thingy at hospital flat boulders? Awesome, much better than any problem ive ever done in the uk.

Still reckon bouldering isnt REAL climbing though.

And its too much about beanies and bare chests.

Anonymous 31 Dec 2003
In reply to Simon:

PEAKS surely as there is more than one summit. Like there is more than one lake in the lakes.

There is only one Himalaya so it's not the Himalayas, but there is more than one Peak in the Peaks so the PEAKS it will always be.
 Jus 31 Dec 2003
In reply to Anonymous: troll.
OP Fiend 31 Dec 2003
daveP 31 Dec 2003
In reply to Anonymous:
> (In reply to Simon)
> PEAKS surely as there is more than one summit. Like there is more than one lake in the lakes.
> There is only one Himalaya so it's not the Himalayas, but there is more than one Peak in the Peaks so the PEAKS it will always be.

ignorance must be bliss eh?

i must have missed to massive towering pyrimidical matterhorn-style peaked summits its that crown the tops of kinder, bleaklow, black hill etc.
Anonymous 31 Dec 2003
In reply to daveP:

If you took your head out of your arse youd see them.
daveP 31 Dec 2003
In reply to Anonymous:
> (In reply to daveP)
> If you took your head out of your arse youd see them.

"The Peak District is named not after the hills but after the tribe "Pecsaetans" who lived in the area, the name roughly means 'Hill dwellers'."

so eat shit

 richardh 31 Dec 2003
In reply to daveP:

ah, the cut and thrust of reasoned debate :

> so eat shit

Anonymous 31 Dec 2003
In reply to daveP:
> (In reply to Anonymous)
> [...]

Should read;

"The Peak District is named not after the hills but after the tribe "Pecsarsetans" who lived in the area, the name roughly means 'arse dwellers'."

eat shit your self!

 Simon 31 Dec 2003
In reply to Anonymous:

Can't win so child-ish humour now eh?

..oh & you smell of old womans wee....

In reply to Anonymous:

This theory re the Peak District name is not quite right, actually. 'Pecsaetan' means the (Anglo-Saxon) 'Settlers of the Pec', the Celtic name for the area we now call the Peak. And, contrary to what some pundits claim, Peak does mean 'pointy/peaked' and has exactly the same derivation as the word Pic in Europe (eg. the Pyrennees and France). Also a whole lot of other anglo-saxon and norse words have a similar origin eg. pick, peck, pike, spike, prick, beak.
Jules King 31 Dec 2003
In reply to Gordon Stainforth:

The vioce of reason!! and a hilarous diversion from another non-question about bouldering.
In reply to Jules King: I think UKC should have a whole seperate forum called Ask Gordon. Is there nothing he doesn't know?

If I ever get on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire do you think Gordon will be a phone a friend?
bomb the bass 02 Jan 2004
In reply to daveP:

you f*cking joker
either your too lazy to walk in, sadly underinformed, or an armchair climber. If your none of those then you should have visited some of the crags you so quickly diss, and realised that on the right day, shining clough, kinder downfall, wheelstones, dovestones, etc etc have rock and routes that beat anything you will find on the top rope/poser infested domains of stanage and froggatt. And east rib on shining clough is, in my opinion, along with neb buttress on bamford the best gritstone route outside the e grades. That ive climbed.

daveP 02 Jan 2004
In reply to bomb the bass:

exactly what the f*ck does that drivel you've just spouted have to do with my previous post you refer to? did you even read my post?

I'd be interested to see if you can point out where in that post i'd "dissed" any of the crags you've mentioned. The post was concerning the overlying topographical features of the peak district. And yes i have been to the crags you mention.

Anonymous 02 Jan 2004
In reply to daveP:

arguing about absolutely nothing is precisely what rockfax is renowned for.

happy new year stress punter dudes !

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