NEWS: 2016 Rab CWIF - The Results!

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 UKC News 14 Mar 2016
Michaela Tracy trying hard during the Rab CWIF, 3 kbIf your Facebook feed looks anything like ours, then this weekend will have been full of CWIF related bouldering antics. One of the UK's biggest bouldering competitions has just happened and as usual a strong field of international crushers landed in Sheffield to flex their biceps against the strongest Brits.

Here's the UKC report and the CWIF videos...

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 stp 14 Mar 2016
In reply to UKC News:

Absolutely top event. Very well down to the Climbing Works for putting this great event on.

Some more photos of the comp here:
In reply to stp:

Hi couldn't agree more. Despite only living around the corner from The Works, I sprained my ankle the day before the event so opted to watch the livestream instead of getting involved with the hustle and bustle of the comp itself.

Having grown up enjoying watching sport, but having not done so in recent times (I've just gone climbing...), I thought that the level of quality throughout - both in terms of the camera work, the presentation, and the commentators - was exceptionally high. It was strange actually, kind of watching the olympics on television...only it was climbing...or maybe I've opened a can of worms there!

Anyhow, all in all I think the coverage was a real point in the right direction for where things should be heading. Seeing this sort of thing at the British Bouldering Championships would be the next obvious step.
Andrew Kin 15 Mar 2016
In reply to UKC News:

Totally agree. My 8yr old daughter spent most of the time telling me what she would have done differently. Getting all excited and when (i dont know the name) that girl nailed the top of the climb but couldnt hold it my little girl was gutted.

I know some on here have a real downer for watching climbing but i/we find it fascinating.

Great fun
 stp 15 Mar 2016
In reply to UKC News:

Great little video loop of Rustam's fantastic triple dyno on problem 4 but the context was what made this such an amazing moment.

Rustam had just narrowly failed on problem 3 which Sean McColl completed so he had to complete this problem to stay in the running. He tried this multi point dyno several times. Percy, who was the live commentator, said something like if he pulls this off that move will become known as a Gelmanov, indicating it was unlikely he would do it. With just seconds left on the clock for his last attempt of the whole competition Rustam raised his arms to the crowd to ask for support, unusual for him as he's definitely one of the quieter and more reserved competitors. So when he stuck it at this point the crowd erupted, and again when he topped a few seconds later.
 kwoods 15 Mar 2016
In reply to stp:

> Great little video loop of Rustam's fantastic triple dyno on problem 4 but the context was what made this such an amazing moment.

Do you know what time this was in the vid?
 stp 15 Mar 2016
In reply to kwoods:

It's at 2.47, just after Jimmy Webb's attempts.
 kwoods 15 Mar 2016
In reply to stp:

Cheers. Flippin eck.
Andrew Kin 15 Mar 2016
In reply to UKC News:

Showed that move to my daughter the next morning. My daughter looked shocked for a second, then gave me beta on how he should have done it..........

Didnt another guy manage it with a less dynamic move?
 BAdhoc 15 Mar 2016
In reply to Thelittlesthobo:

If by less dynamic you mean catching a sideways dyno to a double gaston type move then yes, Sean McColl was slightly less dynamic!

Amazing to stick the move either way in my opinion!
sars1974 27 Mar 2016
In reply to UKC News:

Can they maybe invite someone that can give Shauna a closer competition, its getting boring her winning every year.
In reply to sars1974:

If you can persuade Akiyo or Pooch or Anna or Jule to come over then we will happily pay their expenses. We've tried!

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