THE LOWDOWN: Oliphant's dawn by Hukkataival + VIDEO

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Oliphant's dawn, Rocklands, 4 kbIn 2000, Fred Nicole put up Oliphant's dawn in Rocklands. Supposedly, had difficulties making up his mind regarding the grade, saying it was somewhere between 8B and 8C. Now, after 12 years, Nalle Hukkataival has become the first to repeat it.
Adam Ondra, Paul Robinson, Daniel Woods and many more...

 TobyA 29 Jul 2012
In reply to Björn Pohl - UKC: What's the handgun doing on the breakfast table? Does it have more relevance than the continuing meme of some bouldering film makers to try say "boulderers - a bit gansta, not just skinny middle class white boys doing their hobby"?
Flashman 29 Jul 2012
In reply to TobyA: Yeah, the gun is bullshit - I saw it in an Instagram picture from one of these guys too. You don't need to brandish a gun in the Western Cape. I've hitchhiked all the way up there from downtown Cape Town, and walked and camped by myself all over the Cederberg. There's no bandits there, hardly any people at all, just dassies and baboons.
 psychomansam 30 Jul 2012
I'll add my name to the large number of people who think climbing should praise the beauty and wonder of nature, not violence.

This is one bouldering video I'm simply refusing to watch
 TobyA 30 Jul 2012
In reply to psychomansam: It's really just a panning shot over a gun, it's not really central to the film. But then again it stands out as just a bit weird, like why's that there then?

Björn, was it the same film maker who got some criticism earlier this year of maybe last for using a photo of gang members (were they from Nigeria or somewhere?) taken by a photographer some people here knew? As I remember it the photo was a good one but didn't seem to have anything to do with the film.
In reply to TobyA: That was the boys from 'Welcome to the Hood.' A film which reflects how naive Paul Robinson, Daniel Woods, "Gu" and Anthony Gullsten are. It's about middle class white Americans wondering around the forests of Europe, flexing their egos...
 long 30 Jul 2012
In reply to Björn Pohl - UKC: Awesome effort from Nalle. Inspired!
Grimpeur 30 Jul 2012
In reply to TobyA:
> (In reply to Björn Pohl - UKC) What's the handgun doing on the breakfast table? Does it have more relevance than the continuing meme of some bouldering film makers to try say "boulderers - a bit gansta, not just skinny middle class white boys doing their hobby"?

This is a dangerous country! As are all "developing nations" I am not surprised they have side arms. Personally I would take an assault rifle or two as well for self protection. What do you do otherwise in the middle of nowhere when you are confronted with desperados? Phone the police? Ha Ha

Serious post this BTW
 Arms Cliff 30 Jul 2012
In reply to TobyA: Looks very much like a bb gun to me, the Dosage with the footage of Paul Robinson and Daniel Woods shows them playing with them then too. Is it OK to play with bb guns? Will it give impressionable youths bad ideas that could lead to serious injury?
 Puppythedog 30 Jul 2012
In reply to Arms Cliff: I'd thought itwas a 'proper' gun in dosage on the dude ranch.
In reply to puppythedog: It is indeed a BB gun, a plastic toy that shoots very small plastic balls. Clémant says he doesn't like weapons at all, and though that people would understand it was a toy because it's on the breakfast table.
In reply to Björn Pohl - UKC: Slightly annoying that the title mentions Oliphant's Dawn but the video doesn't show it...
 cha1n 31 Jul 2012
In reply to Björn Pohl - UKC:

It was 'Progression' that they were playing with BB guns in. I must admit that I assumed this was a toy.

Although after the gun crime rate for SA in the Batman shooting thread the other day, I wouldn't blame them if it was real!
In reply to Fultonius: Sorry about that, I think it will be featured in the next video.
 TobyA 31 Jul 2012
In reply to Björn Pohl - UKC:
> Clémant says he doesn't like weapons at all, and though that people would understand it was a toy because it's on the breakfast table.

Fair enough, but why even film it then? A bit odd. Perhaps just in the light of some of the laddish posturing that you get bouldering videos it seems a bit silly. And I'm old enough to remember Moffat and Moon getting criticised for their wheel spins in Fontainbleau in the mid 90s!

 EZ 01 Aug 2012
In reply to Björn Pohl - UKC:

Golden shadows - an excellent showcasing of two quite different approaches to the problem.


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