NEWS: Shauna Coxsey climbs Fat Lip, 8B

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 UKC News 16 Apr 2024

Shauna Coxsey has made the third female ascent of Fat Lip, 8B, at Raven Tor, in Derbyshire. 

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 Crosbie 16 Apr 2024
In reply to UKC News:

How good is that! Can't wait to see what she does on rock this year ahead. Very inspiring. 👍

 DiscoLeg 17 Apr 2024
In reply to UKC News:


 Pids 17 Apr 2024
In reply to UKC News:

Impressive, but she didnt go to the top? Surely thats the whole point, to get to the top?

(and back down again, safely)

Post edited at 13:56
 ebdon 17 Apr 2024
In reply to Pids:

It's bouldering not alpinism!

In reply to Pids:

She did get to the top of the boulder problem.

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