Logbook for The Wheel Thing

Best Climbing Experience

Grade chasing in the peak

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771 entries in this logbook showing 1-25
Name Grade Style Partner(s) Notes Feedback Date Crag name
Burly Mirfs f8A * Sent x   26 Jul Peakstone Inn Amphitheatre
Burly McFreewilly f8A+ ** Sent x   26 Jul Peakstone Inn Amphitheatre
Malc's Pull f7C+ Sent x LeoSkinner 24 Jul Crag X (Derbyshire)
Bizarre Ride f8A *** Sent x LeoSkinner 24 Jul Crag X (Derbyshire)
Influx f8A Sent x LeoSkinner 22 Jul Raven Tor (Miller's Dale)
Candy Man Low f8A * Sent x LeoSkinner 22 Jul Squirrel Buttress
Candy Man f7B+ ** Sent β LeoSkinner 21 Jul Squirrel Buttress
Candy Man Sit-start f7C+ ** Sent β LeoSkinner 21 Jul Squirrel Buttress
Candy Kaned f7C *** Sent x LeoSkinner 21 Jul Squirrel Buttress
A Lack of Colour f7B * Sent x Josh Hummel-Newell 19 Jul Blackwell Dale
Top Shop (High) f7B+ Sent x   19 Jul Blackwell Dale
Top Shop (Low) f7B+ * Sent x Josh Hummel-Newell 19 Jul Blackwell Dale
Free Range Abattoir Low f7C Sent x Josh Hummel-Newell 19 Jul Blackwell Dale
Saline Drip Start f7A * Sent x AdamDownes, fletchergrantham 27 Jun Raven Tor (Miller's Dale)
Pinches wall 12 f7A+ Sent rpt AdamDownes, fletchergrantham 27 Jun Raven Tor (Miller's Dale)
Rattle and Hump Start f7A+ ** Sent x fletchergrantham, AdamDownes 27 Jun Raven Tor (Miller's Dale)
Converter f7C ** Sent x fletchergrantham, AdamDownes 27 Jun Raven Tor (Miller's Dale)
Brockstone Dyno / Sitting Bull f7A * Sent x AdamDownes 24 Jun Badger Rock
Badger Arête (Sit Start) f7A *** Sent x AdamDownes 24 Jun Badger Rock
Hobbit hands f7A ** Sent x AdamDownes 24 Jun Kentmere Boulders
The Whole Hole f7B Sent x AdamDownes 24 Jun Kentmere Boulders
Black Hole f7C * Sent x AdamDownes 24 Jun Kentmere Boulders
Grand Opera f7C+ *** Sent x AdamDownes, Josh Hummel-Newell 23 Jun The Bowderstone
Hueco Crack (ss) f7A *** Sent x AdamDownes, Josh... 22 Jun St. Bees Head
Dark Side of the Moon f7C * Sent x AdamDownes, Josh... 22 Jun St. Bees Head
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