Logbook for pcaffrey

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232 entries in this logbook showing 26-50
Name Grade Style Partner(s) Notes Feedback Date Crag name
High Neb Buttress VS 4c *** TR dnf   8 May Stanage North
Cave Buttress S 4b ** 2nd rpt   8 May Stanage North
T Slab f5+ ** Sent dnf   2 May Robin Hood's Stride
The Arch f3 * Sent O/S   2 May Robin Hood's Stride
Cave Problem Direct f6A+ * Sent dnf   2 May Robin Hood's Stride
The Spine f4+ *** Sent dnf   2 May Robin Hood's Stride
Aw Heel No f5+ Sent O/S   2 May Robin Hood's Stride
T Slab ArĂȘte f4+ ** Sent O/S   2 May Robin Hood's Stride
Joy of Ledge f3 Sent O/S   2 May Robin Hood's Stride
Scoop Slab Traverse f3+ ** Sent O/S   2 May Robin Hood's Stride
Angle ArĂȘte f5 * Sent O/S   2 May Robin Hood's Stride
Square Block Crack f3 Sent O/S   2 May Robin Hood's Stride
JT f2+ * Sent O/S   2 May Robin Hood's Stride
JT Crack f3 ** Sent O/S   2 May Robin Hood's Stride
Topsail VS 4c ** Lead rpt   13 Apr Birchen Edge
The Promenade D ** Lead rpt   13 Apr Birchen Edge
Groovy f3+ Sent O/S   2 Feb Harborough Rocks
Final Wall f3 Sent O/S   2 Feb Harborough Rocks
Flake Sitter f4+ * Sent O/S   2 Feb Harborough Rocks
Sharp Bulge f5 Sent O/S   2 Feb Harborough Rocks
Flake Mantel f3 * Sent O/S   2 Feb Harborough Rocks
Cracked Arete f3 Sent O/S   2 Feb Harborough Rocks
Right Bulge f5 * Sent O/S   2 Feb Harborough Rocks
Latrine 5a Lead O/S   27 Jan Horseshoe Quarry
Luke Skywalker 4a * TR rpt   27 Jan Horseshoe Quarry
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