Logbook for tomsmartacus

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533 entries in this logbook showing 26-50
Name Grade Style Partner(s) Notes Feedback Date Crag name
Paleolithic f6A+ Sent x Keith Sharples 5 May Hollin Hill
Psychonaut f7A+ Sent x Keith Sharples 5 May Hollin Hill
Chicken Ginger f7A+ ** Sent x Richard Parker 27 Apr Stanton Moor
Brad's Arête 'The Presence of Absence' f6C+ *** Sent x Richard Parker 27 Apr Stanton Moor
Quartier Latin f7A ** Sent Graham Oxnard 19 Apr Franchard Isatis
Abdolobotomy f7A Sent x Graham Oxnard 19 Apr Franchard Isatis
Hangman f6C ** Sent x   31 Mar Stanton in the Woods
Lean-to f6C ** Sent x   31 Mar Stanton in the Woods
Short Arête f6C ** Sent x   31 Mar Stanton in the Woods
Bumlog Millionaire f7A ** Sent x   25 Feb Stanton in the Woods
Seventy-Two f7A * Sent x   7 Feb Cratcliffe Tor
Chicken Ninja f6A+ *** Sent x   28 Jan Stanton Moor
Drizzle f5+ * Sent x   28 Jan Stanton Moor
Chick Lit f6A+ ** Sent x   28 Jan Stanton Moor
Monomorph f6C * Sent x   24 Jan Stanton in the Woods
Indecent Exposure 7c *** Lead RP Char 27 Jun, 2023 Raven Tor (Miller's Dale)
Dominatrix 7c *** Lead RP Rhos 8 Jun, 2023 Kilnsey
Achilles Heel (Original) 6c+ * Lead O/S Ben Heason 24 May, 2023 Kilnsey
Reliquary 7a+ ** Lead O/S oxocube 18 May, 2023 Deep Rake
Raking Liberties 6c * Lead O/S oxocube 18 May, 2023 Deep Rake
My Body is a Stemple 7b ** Lead β oxocube 18 May, 2023 Deep Rake
Quatermass and the Pit 7b * Lead β oxocube 18 May, 2023 Deep Rake
Couch to 8a 7b ** Lead O/S oxocube 18 May, 2023 Deep Rake
My Hero 7b+ ** Lead RP Keith Sharples 16 May, 2023 Chee Dale Lower
Excalibur 7b+ ** Lead RP oxocube 14 May, 2023 Water-cum-Jolly
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