Logbook for graphiclunarkid

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365 entries in this logbook showing 26-50
Name Grade Style Partner(s) Notes Feedback Date Crag name
The Basin f4+ * Sent O/S   22 May, 2011 Burbage South Valley Boulders
Gentle Slab f3 * Sent O/S   22 May, 2011 Burbage South Valley Boulders
Slabby Rib f3+ * Sent O/S   22 May, 2011 Burbage South Valley Boulders
Undercut Rib f4 * Sent O/S   22 May, 2011 Burbage South Valley Boulders
Left of Crack f3+ * Sent O/S   22 May, 2011 Burbage South Valley Boulders
Cheesy Nose f3+ * Sent O/S   22 May, 2011 Burbage South Valley Boulders
Broken Groove S 4b * Lead rpt Tom 21 May, 2011 Stanage North
Broken In HS 4c * Lead O/S Tom 21 May, 2011 Stanage North
Broken Buttress HVD 4a ** Lead O/S Tom 21 May, 2011 Stanage North
Burgess Crack D * Lead O/S Tom 21 May, 2011 Stanage North
Meaty Bugs HS 4b Lead O/S Tom 21 May, 2011 Stanage North
Creepy Crawly HS 4b Lead rpt Tom 21 May, 2011 Stanage North
Crawly VD * Lead rpt Tom, arctic_jen 21 May, 2011 Stanage North
Cringe VS 4c Lead O/S Tom 21 May, 2011 Stanage North
Creepy S 4a * Lead O/S Tom, arctic_jen 21 May, 2011 Stanage North
Trainer Failure VS 5a * Lead RP Tom, arctic_jen 19 May, 2011 Stanage Popular
Easy Jamming HVD 4a * Lead O/S Tom, arctic_jen 19 May, 2011 Stanage Popular
Lieutenant's Ladder D Solo O/S   17 May, 2011 Birchen Edge
Gunner's Gangway D Solo O/S   17 May, 2011 Birchen Edge
Wooden Leg Wall HVS 5c * Lead β adam carless 17 May, 2011 Birchen Edge
Seasick Slab f3+ * Solo O/S   17 May, 2011 Birchen Edge
Seasick Arête f5 ** Solo O/S   17 May, 2011 Birchen Edge
Das Boot VS 5a 2nd O/S adam carless 17 May, 2011 Birchen Edge
Overton Arête HVS 5a ** Lead O/S adam carless, arctic_jen 15 May, 2011 Turningstone Edge
Sail Arête S 4b ** Lead O/S arctic_jen 15 May, 2011 Turningstone Edge
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