Logbook for kiwi boy

Best Climbing Experience

Crib Goch in full winter conditions many a year ago. Little did I know what I was letting myself in for. Especially as this was my first traverse on the ridge. Central trinity and a perfect blue sky day on a winter grade II up to carn mor dearg

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Showing 8 filtered results
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Name Grade Style Partner(s) Notes Feedback Date Crag name
October Crack D ** 2nd O/S christine, keith pascoe 9 Aug, 2014 Stanage North
Kelly's Crack VD ** Lead O/S christine, keith pascoe 9 Aug, 2014 Stanage North
Manhattan Chimney S 4a * Lead O/S christine, Chris Hunt 9 Aug, 2014 Stanage North
Doctor's Chimney S 4a ** 2nd O/S christine, Chris Hunt 9 Aug, 2014 Stanage North
East Ridge of Y Garn Grade-2 ** - christine, carole S, sharron,... 10 Nov, 2013 Y Garn
Pinnacle Buttress Direct HS 4a ** Lead β christine 10 Aug, 2013 The Dewerstone
Reverse Cleft S 4a * Lead O/S christine 10 Aug, 2013 The Dewerstone
Clogwyn y Person Arête (Summer) Grade-3 *** - christine, carole S, sam,... 18 Nov, 2012 Garnedd Ugain
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