Contributed by Cyrees Dec/23 - This public ticklist has been seen 125 times

6 days, 6 routes

Costa Blanca, Penon de Ifach  © SteveSBlake
Costa Blanca, Penon de Ifach
© SteveSBlake, Oct 2006

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User Percentage Latest Log
1st Mr_greenrose 50% 25 Jan
2nd Cyrees 33% 25 Jan

Map of routes in this ticklist

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Distribution of grades - Sport

Top 12 photos of this ticklist

Same on the Penon

Same on the Penon
© Ian1001

Alice on the last few metres of Costa Blanca, Penon d'Ifach - 6c+

Costa Blanca
Alice on the last few metres of Costa Blanca, Penon d'Ifach - 6c+
© Brian H

Costa Blanca

Costa Blanca
© Tom Briggs

Penon de Ifach

Puto paseo ecológico
Penon de Ifach
© Rich Mayfield

Jamie and Adrian on P.P.E (7a+) on the Penon

Puto paseo ecológico
Jamie and Adrian on P.P.E (7a+) on the Penon
© Chris the Tall

costa blanca, december 16

Costa Blanca
costa blanca, december 16
© rachelpearce01

The perfect, last hard pitch in an immaculate position.

Mare nostrum
The perfect, last hard pitch in an immaculate position.
© Mike Waters

Dehydrated on Costa Blanca

Costa Blanca
Dehydrated on Costa Blanca
© Jonathan Coatsworth

Costa Blanca, Penon de Ifach

Costa Blanca
Costa Blanca, Penon de Ifach
© SteveSBlake

Bram at the top of Costa Blanca having just led the top pitch. His face says it all!!

Costa Blanca
Bram at the top of Costa Blanca having just led the top pitch. His face says it all!!
© tmawer

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
El navegante 7a *** 88 198m • 8 Penon de Ifach
Costa Blanca 6c+ *** 280 207m • 7 Penon de Ifach
Los Lunes al Sol 7a *** 3 300m • 8 Penon de Ifach
Same 6a * 40 180m • 7 Penon de Ifach
Puto paseo ecológico 7a *** 34 155m • 6 Penon de Ifach
Mare nostrum 7a+ *** 41 ? Penon de Ifach
16 stars 486 1,040m 37
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