Contributed by tom.wp6 Jul/21 - This public ticklist has been seen 2,270 times

Select hard bouldering around Bristol inspired by the 2021 Esoteric Bouldering in the Bristol region guidebook

James working the cave roof project at the  Toll Road Crags.  © Beastly Squirrel
James working the cave roof project at the Toll Road Crags.
© Beastly Squirrel, Dec 2010

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1st sambarstow 22% 19 May
2nd sedmans 19% 1 Jul, 2023
3rd ChrisCon1991 14% 15 Jun
4th tom.wp6 12% 21 Sep, 2022
4th Judemallett 12% 7 Oct, 2023
4th KDhruev 12% 17 May
4th Hidden 12% 11 Jun
5th Hidden 8% 2 Jul, 2021
6th brices 7% 27 May, 2023
6th chris85 7% Jun, 2023

Map of routes in this ticklist

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Distribution of grades

Top 12 photos of this ticklist

The Prow

The Prow
© sim.monkey

Ian contrives a rest on The Prow - 7B

The Prow
Ian contrives a rest on The Prow - 7B
© JKinsella

James working the cave roof project at the  Toll Road Crags.

One Hundred Percent Pain
James working the cave roof project at the Toll Road Crags.
© Beastly Squirrel

Dan Craig on Peckitt's Traverse (7C) at Biblin's Cave

Peckitt's Traverse
Dan Craig on Peckitt's Traverse (7C) at Biblin's Cave
© veronicamelkonian

Will landing the big starting move of Super Cooper

Bola's Bye Bye Bus
Will landing the big starting move of Super Cooper
© Rhaegalex

James on the first few moves of his new problem Fish and Chips at the Toll Road Crags.

Fish and Chips
James on the first few moves of his new problem Fish and Chips at the Toll Road Crags.
© Beastly Squirrel

James Squire seaks out an amazing overhanging prow at Sand Point.

The Prow
James Squire seaks out an amazing overhanging prow at Sand Point.
© Beastly Squirrel

James Squire on 'Beware the Fascist Direct' (font 7a+/b) at Huntsham.

Beware the Fascist Direct
James Squire on 'Beware the Fascist Direct' (font 7a+/b) at Huntsham.
© Beastly Squirrel

Top of Bulge

The Bulge
Top of Bulge
© Yudus

James Squire pulling out of 'Rocket Roof' at Ladye Bay, Bristol.

Rocket Roof
James Squire pulling out of 'Rocket Roof' at Ladye Bay, Bristol.
© Beastly Squirrel

You have got to love cutting loose..

The Prow
You have got to love cutting loose..
© sim.monkey

Yan on Apokalypto

Yan on Apokalypto
© yan hawkins

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Peace f7A+ ** 6 ? Avon Gorge (Sea...
The Dragon f7B *** 26 ? Gollums Cave
Mouldy Bananas f7C+ * 12 ? Gollums Cave
Legacy V7 * 7 7m Leigh Woods
Leigh Ace f7B 13 ? Leigh Woods
The Passion E5 6c * 1 ? Avon Valley...
Wabi-sabi f7B ** 3 ? Hambrook
Apokalypto f7B ** 31 8m Snuff Mills Park
The Lunatics (have taken over the Asylum) E6 6c ** 1 7m Snuff Mills Park
Bronson f7B * 1 7m Hambrook
Puri V7 - ? Ladye Bay (Clevedon)
The Darkest Hour V8+ *** 15 ? Ladye Bay (Clevedon)
The Lightest Hour V9 *** 10 ? Ladye Bay (Clevedon)
The Highwayman V7 *** 26 ? Ladye Bay (Clevedon)
Sirens V9 7 ? Ladye Bay (Clevedon)
Rocket Roof V8+ *** 10 ? Ladye Bay (Clevedon)
James's Roof V8 ** 1 ? Ladye Bay (Clevedon)
The Prow f7B *** 105 ? Sand Point
Litany Against Fear f7A+ *** 5 ? Sand Point
Arrakis f7C 21 ? Sand Point
Zero Degrees f7C+ * 2 ? Sand Point
HMS Vectory f7B * 5 ? Toll Road Crags
The Pillar Project f7B *** 3 ? Toll Road Crags
Lone Ranger f7C+ * 7 ? Toll Road Crags
One Hundred Percent Pain f7A+ *** 11 ? Toll Road Crags
Tide of Screams f7C 1 ? Toll Road Crags
Bacon and Chips f7B *** 6 ? Toll Road Crags
Fish and Chips f7A+ ** 9 ? Toll Road Crags
Tombstone f7C *** 44 ? Cheddar Gorge South
The Volk f7A+ * 3 ? Cheddar Gorge South
Woody's Traverse V7 60 ? Cheddar Gorge South
Propofol Syringe Pump f7A+ *** 3 ? Meds Cave
Diazepam f7A+ ** 3 ? Meds Cave
Mirtzapine f7A+ ** 2 ? Meds Cave
The View From The Afternoon V9 *** 12 4m Correges Cumb
Naptime Arête V9 7 ? Ham Woods Quarry...
Freshly Squeezed f7B+ *** 21 ? Biblins Cave
School of Burl f7B * 126 ? Biblins Cave
Peckitt's Traverse f7C *** 148 ? Biblins Cave
The Bulge f7A ** 610 ? Biblins Cave
Peckitt roof f7C ** 25 ? Huntsham Crags
Beware the Fascist Direct f7A+ *** 2 ? Huntsham Crags
Ames High f7A+ ** 21 ? Huntsham Crags
Left hook f7B+ *** 8 ? Huntsham Crags
The Gnarly Traverse f7C * 5 ? Huntsham Crags
Out of time man f7A+ *** 20 ? Hope Mansel
Delicieux f7A+ ** 3 ? Hope Mansel
V8 Traverse V8 ** 38 ? Sally in the Woods
Bola's Bye Bye Bus f7A+ ** 77 ? Sally in the Woods
Sub Zero (Low Down Roof Problem) V8 *** 15 ? Sally in the Woods
The Hippy Cave Lip Traverse f7B+ *** 7 ? Sally in the Woods
Send It Like Beckham f7C+ * 1 ? Brown's Folly
Zen in the Art of Archery V9 6 ? Brown's Folly
Freewoman V7 - ? Brown's Folly
Nazgul f7A+ 2 ? Gandalf's Crag
Shadowfax f7B ** 7 ? Gandalf's Crag
The Bridge of Khazard Dum f7C+ 4 ? Gandalf's Crag
11 e, 101 stars 1,625 33m 57
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