Contributed by Flyer from Fulham Jun/21 - This public ticklist has been seen 1,126 times

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Henry lay backing on Hoofers   © RBonney
Henry lay backing on Hoofers
© RBonney

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Top 12 photos of this ticklist

Neil McCallum on Prophecy of Drowning

Prophecy of Drowning
Neil McCallum on Prophecy of Drowning
© Mike Hutton

...and it's only HVS!

Angel of Sharkness
...and it's only HVS!
© allyrocke

James and Leah soaking up the exposure on "Prophecy of Drowning" E2-5c.

Prophecy of Drowning
James and Leah soaking up the exposure on "Prophecy of Drowning" E2-5c.
© Smelly Fox

Neil McGeachy having a interesting time on Prophecy of Drowning, after forgetfully abseiling in with only one 8mm rope. Oops.

Prophecy of Drowning
Neil McGeachy having a interesting time on Prophecy of Drowning, after forgetfully abseiling in with only one 8mm rope. Oops.
© neil the weak

Henry on Hoofers Route

Hoofer's Route
Henry on Hoofers Route
© RBonney

Prophecy of Drowning, 1st ascent.

Prophecy of Drowning
Prophecy of Drowning, 1st ascent.
© Grahame N

Milo Dixon on Angel of Sharkness

Angel of Sharkness
Milo Dixon on Angel of Sharkness
© Robbie Hearns

Final few moves on the onsight of “Angel of Sharkness” HVS 5a

Angel of Sharkness
Final few moves on the onsight of “Angel of Sharkness” HVS 5a
© Stuartlittle

Woon & Lewis style their way up the awesome Prophecy of Drowning Pitch 2

Prophecy of Drowning
Woon & Lewis style their way up the awesome Prophecy of Drowning Pitch 2
© Mark Leicester

Above the Arch

Prophecy of Drowning
Above the Arch
© Lawrie Brand

Sunset at Sheigra

Sunset at Sheigra
© jonesdwill

Busy day on the Arch!

The Priest
Busy day on the Arch!
© gowain

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Via Valtos E1 5b ** 3 150m • 4 Tamnasbhal
Angel of Sharkness HVS 5a *** 268 ? Suidhe Biorach
Limpet Crack E3 5c *** 65 40m Dalbeg
Jamie Jampot VS 4c *** 609 ? Suidhe Biorach
The Arch Deacon HVS 5a 76 140m • 4 Mingulay
Frozen Ocean E1 5a *** 10 55m • 2 An Sgurr
The Mauking Bird E1 5b *** 1 30m Berneray
The Great Auk E1 5b *** 5 90m • 2 Berneray
Piping Up E1 5b *** 4 80m • 3 Berneray
Auksiliary Force HVS 5a *** 1 30m Berneray
From the Hole to Heaven VS 4c 29 35m Mingulay
Port Pillar HVS 5a *** 23 45m • 2 Mingulay
Eye of the Storm E1 5b *** 8 110m • 3 Mingulay
Too Young for a Gladiator E1 5b 26 100m • 3 Mingulay
Cuan a' Cheo E1 5b *** 9 100m • 3 Mingulay
Arch Angel HVS 5a *** 5 100m • 3 Mingulay
Mayday E1 5b *** 22 100m • 3 Mingulay
Fisherman's Blues E1 5b *** 18 110m • 3 Mingulay
Cuan a Bochan E1 5b *** 32 130m • 3 Mingulay
Fifteen Fathoms of Fear S 4a 27 50m Mingulay
The Night of the Storytellers E1 5b *** 30 20m Mingulay
Hoofer's Route E1 5b *** 112 25m Pabbay
The Priest E1 5b *** 183 110m • 3 Pabbay
Prophecy of Drowning E2 5c *** 291 115m • 4 Pabbay
Illegal Alien HVS 5a *** 150 30m Pabbay
Wiggly Wall HVS 5a *** 81 20m Pabbay
Atlantic Drum HVS 5a *** 14 50m • 2 Sandray
Seal Surfing in the Swell from Hell E1 5b *** 5 40m Sandray
Navigator Wall E2 5c *** 8 20m Sandray
The Great Stac of Handa - Great Arch/Munro Route VS *** - 116m • 3 Great Stack of Handa
Crackin' Corner VS 4c *** 180 ? Sheigra Sea Cliffs
Dreams by the Sea E2 5c *** 21 ? Sheigra Sea Cliffs
Presumption E1 5b *** 122 40m Sheigra Sea Cliffs
The Nook VS 4c *** 101 25m Sheigra Sea Cliffs
25 e, 89 stars 2,539 2,106m 67
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