Contributed by Steve Crowe Jun/22 - This public ticklist has been seen 885 times

A selection of first ascents by Karin and Steve

Farndale Fayre   © Bloke on a Rope
Farndale Fayre
© Bloke on a Rope, Feb 2021

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1st Steve Crowe 100% 15 May, 2022

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Top 12 photos of this ticklist

Murray cranking hard on K’n’S Special

K'n'S Special
Murray cranking hard on K’n’S Special
© Jemima Churchhouse

Russ Birkett on "Precious Days" E5/6

Precious Days
Russ Birkett on "Precious Days" E5/6
© whistler

Andy Farnell on Cold Steal

Cold Steal
Andy Farnell on Cold Steal
© Aaron tonks

Jon catching the last of the light on a perfect Shaftoe afternoon.

Mantel Madness
Jon catching the last of the light on a perfect Shaftoe afternoon.
© odox

Just another route on the Isle of Lewis

North West Arête
Just another route on the Isle of Lewis
© Brian Pollock

Richard chucking on a heel on Farndale Fayre E5 6b

Farndale Fayre
Richard chucking on a heel on Farndale Fayre E5 6b
© Bloke on a Rope

Farndale Fayre

Farndale Fayre
© Dave Warburton

Farndale Fayre E5 6b

Farndale Fayre
Farndale Fayre E5 6b
© Bloke on a Rope

Sinn Fein

Sin Fein
Sinn Fein
© Dave Warburton

'Old Moss' at Goldsborough Carr

Old Moss
'Old Moss' at Goldsborough Carr
© Matt17

Finishing The Cuckoo Conundrum

The Cuckoo Conundrum
Finishing The Cuckoo Conundrum
© Robert Durran

Fall imminent! Guru on Jane Lies Agape (E3 5c) at Rothley Crag

Jane Lies Agape
Fall imminent! Guru on Jane Lies Agape (E3 5c) at Rothley Crag
© Murph

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Tidal Wave E5 6a 1 ? Ardnamurchan Point
Gun Fhiamh (Without Fear) E5 6a ** 1 ? Rubha Carrach
'X' E5 6a * 1 40m Sheigra Sea Cliffs
K'n'S Special E6 6a *** 16 60m Mingulay
Precious Days E6 6a * 7 50m Mingulay
Die Another Day E6 6b ** 1 15m Reiff - Stone Pig...
Variations on a Dream E5 6a * 7 65m • 3 Mingulay
As Sound as Mr JA E2 5b *** 70 25m Pabbay
Fear an Bhàta E4 6a 1 30m Pabbay
The Scream E7 6b ** 2 55m Mingulay
007 E4 5c ** 3 20m Reiff - Stone Pig...
Flotsam and Jetsam E7 6b *** 1 26m Sheigra Sea Cliffs
North West Arête E3 6a 3 15m Uig Sea Cliffs...
The Cuckoo Conundrum E3 5c * 4 ? Sheigra Sea Cliffs
Dragster E2 5b 1 ? Reiff - Mechanics...
Great Gig in the Sky E4 6a * 1 25m Uig Sea Cliffs...
Beating Heart E5 6a 3 ? Reiff - An Stiuir
No Porpoise E3 6a *** 9 ? Sheigra Sea Cliffs
What! More Puffin? E6 6b *** 6 80m • 2 Pabbay
Lemmings E3 6a * 1 95m • 3 Mingulay
Little K E5 6a ** 5 25m Mingulay
Slow Quick Quick Slow E5 6b 2 ? Reiff - Rubha...
What! More Puffin? (Mariners Finish) E5 6b *** 3 80m • 2 Pabbay
Blood Red Streets E6 6c * 2 7m Healaugh (Crag...
The Engine Vroom E5 6a 1 ? Reiff - Mechanics...
Bloodlust Superdirect E3 5c 6 ? Sheigra Sea Cliffs
A Grand Day Out 7c+ *** 3 50m Gordale Scar
A Chance Remark E5 6b ** 1 12m Linshiels One
Last Days 7c *** 17 ? Gordale Scar
Sin Fein E5 6b * 16 7m Healaugh (Crag...
Bite it and Believe it, Suck it and See E6 6b *** 1 ? Gordale Scar
A Squire to Madness - Variation Start E6 6a ** 2 40m Gordale Scar
Added Value 7a+ ** 66 ? Kilnsey
Stolen 8b *** 32 ? Kilnsey
Full Value E5 6b ** 18 ? Kilnsey
Totally Free II 8b *** 4 70m Malham Cove
Against the Grain 7a+ ** 259 22m Malham Cove
Endless Flight Variation E5 5b 1 ? Great Wanney
Funeral Pyre VS 4c 4 12m Henhole Crags
Another Vu Point 7b *** 15 ? Kilnsey
Diminishing Returns 7c * 7 ? Kilnsey
A Chance Remark Direct Finish E5 6b * 1 10m Linshiels One
Crazy Diamond E4 5c 2 8m Howlerhirst Crag
Shine On E3 5c ** 5 8m Howlerhirst Crag
Walton's Wall VS 5a * 47 10m Rothley Crag
Masterstroke E4 6b 6 15m Rothley Crag
An Anniversary Waltz E5 6b * 3 ? Kyloe Crag (Kyloe...
Skyline E5 6b 1 18m Great Wanney
Eastern Ecstasy E4 6a 1 15m Great Wanney
Farndale Fayre E5 6b ** 7 6m Round Crag
The Big Cat E2 6a ** 6 ? Round Crag
Forthright E2 5c * 11 5m Slipstones
Fit as... E5 6a ** 1 ? Kilnsey
The Northumbrian E6 6b 1 45m Esk Buttress (Dow...
The Director's Cut E4 6b * 3 ? Buckbarrow, Wasdale
(Just A Dab Of White For) Another Masterpiece. E2 5c ** 1 15m Pallet Crag
One for Q E3 6a * 2 15m Reiff - Stone Pig...
Brush Strokes HVS 5a * 2 15m Pallet Crag
Cold Steal 8a *** 78 ? Kilnsey
Are t'Full E4 6a 1 ? Kilnsey
Louphole 7b+ * 5 18m Loup Scar
Northumbrian Rhapsody E5 6b * 1 100m • 3 Pabbay
Little Miss Sitting Pretty E5 6a ** 23 40m Mingulay
The Wretched Gull E1 5b * 4 75m • 2 Mingulay
Pass the Razor Bill E3 5c ** 1 85m • 3 Mingulay
A Deathly Hush E3 5c 1 40m Mingulay
The Road to Nowhere E3 5c * 5 40m Mingulay
Slave to the Rhythm E5 6b *** 6 20m Mingulay
The Shag Who Spied Me E4 5c 1 20m Mingulay
Autumn Wall f6B+ * 2 5m Healaugh (Crag...
Mantel Madness f6C *** 58 ? Shaftoe Crags
Lateral Thinking E4 6b 1 ? Reiff - An Stiuir
The Day of a Thousand Eyes E4 5c ** 1 80m • 2 Mingulay
Oceanside Expedition E4 5c ** 1 200m • 5 Mingulay
The Ocean of Air Finish E4 6a *** 3 ? Mingulay
Mini Power f6C 21 ? Shaftoe Crags
The Ouseburn Project f6C 1 ? Ravens Crag
The Tube, Direct Finish E5 5c 9 ? Back Bowden Doors
Back to Back E5 6b 1 ? Back Bowden Doors
Something Blue E6 6b * 1 60m • 3 Blue Scar
Something Borrowed E6 6c ** 1 30m Blue Scar
Something New E7 6c * 1 30m Blue Scar
The Spineless Right-hand E5 6a * 1 24m Blue Scar
More Bolts from the Blue E5 6b ** 3 22m Blue Scar
Architrave E4 5c * 5 ? Kilnsey
Puppeteasier 7c+ ** 5 ? Kilnsey
The Great Dihedral Wall Extravaganza 7c ** 1 40m Kilnsey
More Relaxed E7 6b *** 1 ? Kilnsey
Silk Road 2.0 7b+ *** 1 ? Kilnsey
In Gear E4 6a 1 ? Reiff - Mechanics...
Rainy Days and Golden Evenings E2 5c * 1 40m Uig Sea Cliffs...
Parting Shot E5 6a * 3 50m Pabbay
Whiter than White E5 6c ** 3 7m Whiteheugh Crag
True Blue HVS 5b 1 7m Whiteheugh Crag
Wanton Wall E6 6b 5 ? Reiff - Roinn...
Rampant Groove E4 5c ** 8 20m Reiff - Roinn...
Tears in Heaven E3 6a 1 7m Whiteheugh Crag
Rite of Passage E4 6a 2 30m Pabbay
Heather Crack VS 5a 2 12m Oak Crag
Barracuda Buttress Traverse E5 6a 1 ? Jack Rock
Barracuda - Breakout link up E5 6a *** 1 ? Jack Rock
Jane Lies Agape E3 5c 1 10m Rothley Crag
Swing Time E3 5c 1 10m Rothley Crag
Just Ice E3 6a 1 ? Ravensheugh Crag
Natural Line E1 5b 4 7m Curtis Crag
The Roaring 20's Direct Start E2 5c 2 13m Selby's Cove
Gloom f7A 21 ? Rothley Crag
The Black Hole f6B 4 ? Rothley Crag
Telescopic E4 5c 3 ? Round Crag
Time Out E4 6a *** 8 8m Round Crag
Eskhew E1 5c * 7 7m Esklets
Red and White V3 ** 3 ? Earthworks Rocks
under the arch E1 6a ** 9 ? Earthworks Rocks
The Arch V2 * 9 ? Earthworks Rocks
Archway V2 * 8 ? Earthworks Rocks
work work work HVS 5b 7 ? Earthworks Rocks
Cold Turkey E2 6a * 4 ? Cold Moor
Coolabah f4+ 1 ? Cold Moor
Chilled Out E2 6a 5 ? Cold Moor
Cold Sweat E1 6a ** 6 ? Cold Moor
No Limits - Direct Finish E1 6a * 2 8m Cold Moor
Insatiable Desire E1 6a 4 ? Cold Moor
Troy, Direct Start E3 6a 8 ? Esgair Maen Gwyn...
Hidden Treasure E4 ** 2 ? Gravestones/ Hidden...
Old Moss f5+ * 63 ? Goldsborough Carr
Seven Stars f6A+ *** 1 ? Goldsborough Carr
Escapee Direct Start E5 6a 1 10m Linshiels One
Expecting to Fly E5 6b 1 ? Great Wanney
Bait Boxed f7A *** 3 ? Shaftoe Crags
Inside Out Link E5 6b ** 1 30m Dove Crag (Dovedale)
The Brasov Incident E6 6b 1 30m Dove Crag (Dovedale)
FFF Link E5 6b 1 30m Dove Crag (Dovedale)
Fast City E5 6a *** 7 ? Dove Crag (Dovedale)
The Tide is Turning f6C 10 ? Goldsborough Carr
Crease Classic f6B 82 ? Shaftoe Crags
Upper Traverse f6B 3 ? Rothley Crag
Lower Traverse f6A 1 ? Rothley Crag
Combined Traverse f5+ 1 ? Rothley Crag
The Futility of War 21 ** 1 ? Blouberg
The Key 23 *** 1 ? Wilgepoort
Rock Dance E3 6a ** 7 35m Southwest Barra
Impact Zone E6 6b *** 1 35m Southwest Barra
The Gritty Finish E4 6a 1 ? Diabaig
Limpet Olympics E5 6a ** 4 40m Dalbeg
Whoosh VS 5a 7 5m Ardnamurchan Point
Hmmmmmm S 4b 3 12m Ardnamurchan Point
All the Two's f6B+ * 1 10m Slipstones
Son of a Bitch HVS 5c 4 ? Slipstones
Da's Route VS 5a 36 ? Slipstones
438 e, 175 stars 1,339 2,513m 167
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