Corona, 9a+, by Megos

© Hannes Huch
Alexander Megos
© Hannes Huch

Alexander Megos has repeated Markus Bock's Corona, 9a+, at Schneiderloch, Frankenjura.

Alexander's ascent was the third, after Bock (2006) and Adam Ondra (2009), and also his third of the grade after La Rambla original and his own Classified.

Corona is not very long, only ~18 meters but in typical Frankenjura fashion, very fingery and technical.

According to, he needed a total of three days and around 10 tries. He checked it out one hand a half years ago, worked the moves last Thursday and then redpointed it after one restday. It's rather obvious he is no where near his limit as, afterwards, he climbed the route again during a photo shoot.

Alex Megos is sponsored by DMM

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13 May, 2013
According to, he needed a total of three days and around 10 tries. He checked it out one hand a half years ago, worked the moves last Thursday and then redpointed it after one restday. It's rather obvious he is no where near his limit and, the day after, he climbed the route again during a photo shoot. As far as I understand that quote is related to his first ascent of Classified. I couldn`t find any mention of the Corona repeat on
13 May, 2013
is that a picture of Wolfgang on the wall behind him?
13 May, 2013
“Ein erstes Hineinschnuppern erfolgte vor etwa anderthalb Jahren. Am vergangenen Donnerstag begann das Workout. Nach einem Ruhetag dazwischen konnte Alex schließlich unter den Augen von Sicherer Felix Neumärker und Trainer Patrick Matros die Route am Samstag, den 11. Mai 2013 durchsteigen.” From:
13 May, 2013
Yep, thats Wolfgang.
Loving that photo!!
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