Hamer Brothers climb E8s at Nesscliffe and More

© Hamer Collection
Ed Booth making the 3rd ascent of Une Jeune Fille Quatre Vingt Dix Ans, E8 6c  © Angus Kille
Ed Booth making the 3rd ascent of Une Jeune Fille Quatre Vingt Dix Ans, E8 6c
© Angus Kille
Last weekend a strong team comprising of Ed Booth, Angus Kille, Ed and Sam Hamer had a very productive weekend quickly ticking many hard routes at Nesscliffe.

First up on Friday the 3rd May, Ed Booth made the 3rd ascent of Une Jeune Fille Quatre Vingt Dix Ans, E8 6c, a Nick Dixon route, the only other known ascentionist being Dave Birkett. Ed explained;

"It's basically a wiggy 8a sport route protected by 4 pegs, 2 cams and an in-situ ice screw, I redpointed it with the kit in place."

Angus Kille also headpointed 10 o'clock Saturday Morning, E7 6c that day.

The next day Ed and Sam Hamer arrived, with Sam repeating Une Jeune Fille Quatre Vingt Dix Ans placing all non-fixed pieces of gear on lead. Angus then also redpointed it with the gear in place, notching up Une Jeune's fifth overall ascent.

Sam Hamer on Une Jeune Fille Quatre Vingt Dix Ans, E8 6c  © Hamer Collection
Sam Hamer on Une Jeune Fille Quatre Vingt Dix Ans, E8 6c
© Hamer Collection

Sam then headpointed Il Y A Stazi, E8 6c, with climbing up to 8a the route is now missing a peg low down, making the crux a very highball boulder problem/solo.

Ed Hamer made a very quick headpoint of Berlin Wall, E8 6c and then also climbed Il Y A Stazi.

Ed Hamer on Il Y A Stazi, E8 6c  © Hamer Collection
Ed Hamer on Il Y A Stazi, E8 6c
© Hamer Collection

On the Sunday the Hamer brothers were back with Sam climbing Marlene Direct, E7 6c and Ed making a repeat of Subtilitas, rumoured to be a sandbag at V9/7C. Ed commented:

"I thought it was pretty hard for 7C! Wouldn't go a-miss at 7C+! It's a great problem, I was really chuffed to send it."

You can read more about the Hamers' ascents on their Blog.

Ed Booth is an ambassador for: Highsports

Ed Hamer is sponsored by: Wild Country, Red Chili, Climb On, Sherpa Adventure Gear and Peak Ales

Sam Hamer is sponsored by: Wild Country, Red Chili, Climb On, Berghaus and Peak Ales

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16 May, 2013
That's a *magnificent* pair of sideburns. Some kind of Bradley Wiggins tribute? jcm
16 May, 2013
Effort beasts!
16 May, 2013
I thought it was pissing down with rain/ blowing a gale everywhere last weekend!
16 May, 2013
an ice screw? what in?
16 May, 2013
Nice one Gus - saw your FB pics. Obviously been doing some training when you were out working in NZ.
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