Quick repeat of Pantera, 9a, by Megos

© Hannes Huch
Alexander Megos
© Hannes Huch

Alexander Megos has made a very quick repeat of Markus Bock's Pantera, 9a, at Schneiderloch, Frankenjura.

Alexander certainly doesn't waste any time now that he's on a roll. Only a few days after his repeat of Corona, 9a+, he made a one day ascent of its neighbour Pantera. In fact, he did the route on his first redpoint attempt after having worked through the moves a couple of times.

I know I keep repeating myself, but this guy needs to get off the kindergarten stuff and get on something proper hard...

But then again, he has already made short work of the two hardest routes in the area, one of which he had to make the first ascent of himself, so... Flatanger perhaps?


Alex Megos is sponsored by DMM

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15 May, 2013
love the photo
15 May, 2013
He's simply not arsed with sieges, credit to him. Be like Megos.
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