Yesterday, The Indian Face, E9 6c, on Clogwyn Du'r Arddu has just seen its 6th and 7th ascents respectively from Calum Muskett and George Ullrich. This is probably one of the few times the route will ever see a 'queue'.
Having both enjoyed the last spell of good weather along with James McHaffie (Caff), onsighting on the Final Judgement Wall (See UKC News Report Here), it seemed only natural that after Caff's quick ascent of The Indian Face, (See UKC News Report here) which George belayed him on and both George and Calum seconded, that they would get in on the action.
First up, Calum made the 6th ascent after practicing the route on top-rope and pre-placing the gear, before making a successful ascent.
Mark Reeves was at the crag when Calum made his ascent, you can read more about the ascents and Mark's thoughts on why The Indian Face has just had 3 ascents in such a short amount of time here.
George was next up, and also after some top-rope practice, lead the route, placing the gear as he climbed.
Watch out for the update to follow once we have caught up with Caff, George and Calum...
Here is a picture of this week's Indian Face ascensionists relaxing with a pint at the Heights in Llanberis: