Biographie, 9a+, 3rd go by Megos

© Megos coll.

Alexander Megos  © Megos coll.
Alexander Megos
© Megos coll.

Alexander Megos has repeated Chris Sharma's Biographie*, 9a+, at Ceüse, France, needing only three tries!

YEAAAH! HAving a great time here in Ceüse!!! AMAZING rock and some of the best routes I ever did!
Super happy to have done the classic "Realization" or "Biographie" (however you want to call it) in one day yesterday! Checked out the route and send it in 3rd Go afterwards.

After spending the spring making one day ascents of 9a's in Frankenjura, Alex Megos is now at Ceüse.
Keeping to his habit, he needed only three goes to do Biographie. Of course this was done in one day...
Needless to day, no one else has ever been remotely close to doing it this fast. Adam tried to flash it a while back, but fell at the crux and never got around to doing it after falling again on his 2nd and, I think, 3rd try as well.

Last year, Alex came very close to flashing La Rambla original, 9a+, falling near the top. He did it on his next go.

*I don't really have to explain the name thing again, do I?

Alex Megos is sponsored by: Bluewater Ropes, DMM, Entre-Prises, Patagonia and Tenaya

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13 Jul, 2014
So I'm confused....... Did he climb Realization or Biographie in three tries? ;-)
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