Michele Caminati - Grit Ground Up - Three 'Hard Grit' classicsFri Night Vid

© Michele Caminati

Tonight's Friday Night Video takes us back over a decade to Michele Caminati's 2012 tour of the Peak District, during which he took on some classic 'Hard Grit' routes. 

The film features flash attempts, foot-slips, and ground falls, as Michele makes ground-up ascents of Braille Trail (E7 6c), Kaluza Klein (E7 6c), and The Master's Edge (E7 6c).

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Born in Parma in 1985 I grew up as a climber travelling around the world to fulfill my passion, being it competitions or outdoor climbing. During my career I've become Italian boulder champion, won the Italian...

Michele's Athlete Page 11 posts 2 videos

13 Oct, 2023

His belayer seems to be allergic to standing close to the cliff.

14 Oct, 2023

Probably doesn't want to be hit by a falling object

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